


  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    My guess is that you're not eating enough high quality food in your diet. 1690 calories of junk is easy to eat in one meal. 1690 Calories of chicken breast and veggies is a bit harder to eat. (It's ~9 4oz servings of chicken breast or ~42 1 cup servings of broccoli).

    You need sources of protein. Chicken, Tuna, Fish, Beef (in moderation) or other sources. Incorporating non-starchy vegetables into your diet along with fruit is a good way to feel less hunger. Try to eat as much whole food as you can and eliminate as much processed food as you can. Drink a lot of water. 2-4 liters per day will squelch those cravings.