Wedding in 3 months! AHH!

Hi everyone! I've been on and off MFP for about 3 years, but recently became REALLY committed when I saw my weight sneaking up due to stress in advance of our wedding in late October. i REALLY WANT TO FEEL LIKE A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE!

I'm trying to lose at least 20 lbs by then and just saw a nutritionist today that helped identify some food sensitivities that may have been hindering my weight loss, like eggs and Greek yogurt. I had no idea!

Anyways, if you have any tips or tricks, please let me know! I'm 5'10 and 190lbs. I walk about 30 minutes a day (to and from work) and am trying to get into some more intense cardio! I also bought some 7lb free weights to tone my arms. Work is stressful right now and I know that doesn't help either. Nice to meet y'all!


  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I love the 30 day shred. We're almost the same stats (I'm 6' 175 lbs) It's only 20 min a day and you could see a real difference in my arms. I also love planks (arms and core feel great)
  • jubejube26
    I've never heard of it but just did a quick YouTube search and it looks AWESOME. Going to try it right now and curb this hunger pang I'm feeling. Thanks!