Help wanted :)

I have reached my weight that I used to settle for assuming I couldn't do better. But I know now I can. So I wanted to sculpt my body a bit...I guess that's the way to put's what i want to do...

I've always had a flat *kitten* no matter how fat i got. I want a nice *kitten* for once in my life. So I need suggestions on how to grow my glute muscles so I can get it.

Ever since I've had kids the weight never leaves my belly...I want to shrink my waist. I still look pregnant even though I've lost over 20 pounds and haven't been pregnant in 4 years (and before you there is no possible way i am prego now)

I have a weak and deformed (as I call it) skeleton. Some of my bones aren't where they are supposed to be. For example my right shoulder is messed up. The ball of the shoulder is out of the joint and raised up scraping the bone it's near and pinching nerves. So I cannot bare more than 2 pounds on that side. But I'm told if I strengthen the muscles attached to that bone it will pull it back to where it belongs.

Also my spine is twisted in multiple directions (Most people don't see it but the xrays do and I feel it). I'd like to strengthen mu back muscles to help support my spine properly.

My knees are very weak and the cartilage is breaking away. I need to strengthen my knees so I can avoid surgery.

Also my legs are pure muscle now and I don't want them getting bulky but I want to drop another 10-15 pounds.

So does anyone have suggestions on how I could accomplish these things?


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    First off sit down with your doctor and discuss the multiple issues you have going on, and your current weight loss and future goals. Ask for a few visits to a physical therapist. A good therapist can evaluate you and find the trouble spots and show you how to work those areas for strength and flexability, and of course less pain. Talk to the therapist about your goals and find out what exercises would be best for you and your condition.

    Good Luck!