Top 10 reasons for wanting to lose weight?



  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been thinking hard about my whys. Here's my list:

    1. To stay healthy and avoid the condition my sister is in.
    2. To have more energy and feel better everyday
    3. I want to feel more comfortable in my skin
    4. Spend less on clothing
    5. So I can comfortable travel again
    6. To love my arms and thighs again
    7. So I can enjoy taking pictures again
    8. I'm tired of buying men's chef coats because the women's coats don't account for fat rolls
    9. I want to enjoy looking at myself in the mirror again
    10. Loosing weight and keeping it off means I am winning against my mental programming, changing it for the better
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    My list
    1. To stop hating what I see in the mirror.
    2. To hurt less. With how big I am, I am not doing my knees any favors by remaining at this size.
    3. To be able to buy clothing in "regular" stores, instead of having to head to specialty stores/catalogs.
    4. To fend off becoming diabetic for as long as I can. It runs on both sides of my family.
    5. To stop feeling too ugly to even consider dating. I know looks aren't everything, but they do help.
    6. To boost my endurance/stamina.
    7. To redevelop my self-confidence.
    8. To not feel so horrible when I have to swim in the presence of other people.
    9. To become stronger, physically and otherwise.
    10. To prove all the people who were horrible to me while I was growing up WRONG.
  • salsxa
    salsxa Posts: 15 Member
    My Top Ten

    1) To feel good about myself
    2) To not have to pull my pants higher to suck the fat in
    3) To feel good naked
    4) To get and stay fit - become the skinny energiser bunny I used to be
    5) To prevent diabetes and other health risks (runs in the family)
    6) To conceive through IVF
    7) To fit back into my skinny jeans
    8) To surprise my BF and friends after working away for 6 months
    9) So we can get a good photo session done where I don't feel huge
    10) Finally I am doing this for no one but ME