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The point we needed to get in picas you're convinced that didn’t actually hurt your health no I believe it improve my health considerable got thank you stories scored we wanted to celebrate the loss away a that some of the individuals have achieved in the study and what we decided to do is people that have lost in Effing-ham at a weight on the study are going to bring out equivalent amount of flour Jill cook has been in the study since beginning is not able to be with us tonight Michelle out for her sister is gonna-come out and represent chill herself and her husband their combined weight loss is we need a drum roll for this pounds congratulations our next big loser is Craig la dense and Greg lost pounds the has lost pounds the graduations Andrea because the Musk we had a common goal and that was to stick on this low car study cal I think there is a lot of support living on an island aren't lost pounds translations lost more than counts though aren't lost enough medications to choke a Nelson right and gradually stir I heard people come up to me and saying contributions inspiration finished tools for you just community in a way of life around here the score sheet everyone's just in a better mood in wants to be together doing the same thing cell.
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