
For the last 2 weeks about, I have been a bottomless pit. All I did was eat and eat and eat some more! Didn't get full feel sick or anything. So of course while I was trying to lose weight I ended up gaining 7 pounds! Ahhhhhhh.....

The next time this happends what should I do? Is there a pill or vitamin I can take? I'm up to 170 and I want to get back down to 135! Should I only eat 3 small meals a day and no snacks or 6 very small meals a day? I'm just looking for some pointers



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Wow. To gain a pound a week you have to eat 3500 calories over your normal daily intake. That's an extra 500 calories a day. So if you want to lose a pound a week you have to knock 500 calories per day off your intake. Lets say you burn 250 per day through exercise. Then you would only have to knock 250 calories off your intake.

    I believe there are no magical pills or vitamins but other people might have a different opinion. If you want to lose weight you just have to burn more calories than you consume in a day. You can do 3 meals or 6 meals - it's up to you.

    I have 3 meals per day and usually one snack - usually an apple or an orange. The best way to lose weight is slowly - you're more likely to keep it off this way. This site and just about every article I've read says 1-2 pounds a week is best.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    The number one reply you are going to get is to drink more water.

    And that is a good answer but when you've drank all the water you can and can't seem to drink anymore here's what I did when I had that problem (I gained 11 pounds one week) I went with 100 calorie meals every hour. and I had to eat every hour from the time I woke up until I went to bed. They really weren't meals, they were snacks but like I would have egg beaters with veggies. or egg beaters with some 35 caloried. Cereal bars were a life saver during that time. a 100 calorie bag of cereal. etc.

    I was having a big problem with feeling like I was depriving myself which just made me want to eat more. So this plan worked for me too becuase if I was craving chocolate or a cheeseburger then I would get one but only have 100 calories of it.

    And because i was eating every hour, I never gave my body a chance to get hungry (which was a big issue with me overeating. I would snack while fixing the food I was acutally going to eat).

    It worked for me. I know it's frustrating but try to find what works for you.

    Fruits and veggies are a good way to get big masses of food in a little calories.

    Best of luck to you.
