How realistic is 40+lbs in 22 weeks?



  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    It is VERY realistic! If you're eating to lose 2lbs per week, and this is assuming you are adding regular exercise. HOWEVER, your body will do as it pleases, so if you lose a bit less than your goal, please do not be discouraged! You can and WILL get there. Setting a time limit will encourage you to work hard, and that's a great thing. Just make sure you're staying healthy and not starving yourself. If you don't hit that goal, you'll be damn close! But I'm going to be positive and say YES YOU WILL, and YES YOU CAN! Good luck hun! :smile:

    very wise words
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    We have similar stats, although I'm a bit shorter - 5'1, SW 205. I'm currently 33 weeks in and have lost 55 lbs. At 22 weeks, I was at a bit less than 40, but still close. I've been working my butt off, being uber careful with logging and exercising a lot a lot a lot.

    So do set that goal and work towards it, but don't be disappointed if you fall short. Losing weight isn't a 0 sum game, any progress downward is good progress!
  • Sweetie2102
    Sweetie2102 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all so much for your responses, it really helps to get some hints and tips from people who have been doing this for a while. I'm definitely not setting my target in stone, as I said any loss would be great. I plan on making this a long-term health goal rather than losing quickly and piling it all back on.

    With regards to exercise, I have a treadmill and exercise bike at home that I plan to use for cardio, as well as walking outdoors, but I'm a bit stuck on what to do for strengthening/ toning or whether that should come later on?

    Also, if I start exercising 3x per week should I up my activity level setting therefore increase my calorie intake?
  • tomandshell
    tomandshell Posts: 32 Member
    I started my diet on October 1st weighing 230 and hit the 190 mark at the end of my 20th week in February. I counted my calories with the MFP app and rode my bicycle about 3-5 days a week for about 30-45 minutes. The holidays were the hardest time to stick to my diet, but I did it.

    I started eating 1500 calories a day, but as the weight came off, MFP would recalculate every ten pounds, and I worked my way down to 1300 a day, which is where I am now. I am now one pound away from losing 60, and I will be going on a cruise with my family to celebrate. It is helpful for me to have a goal to work towards. When I get back from the cruise, I will change my focus to maintenance and continued exercise for health.

    You can reach your own goal if you stick to it, don't give up and press on through the times of discouragement. Keep the end goal in sight and stay positive. It is worth it and you will feel better as a result.
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    I think it also depends on how you feel when restricting. My body is very sensitive to large restrictions so I have to lose slowly, especially since it is a bit harder to get fats in with low cals. I get very tired with 2 lb per week goals. My body prefers a modest deficit with me losing .5 - 1 lb per week.

    As far as whether your goal is doable, yes...many people lose at that rate of loss just fine.