Total Psyched to Get Started - Hey Everybody

Today is the day! The day I'm going to turn it all around. I am really excited to start on my weight loss journey here, and I hope I have the opportunity to meet you to do this together. After all, that's why I joined this website - for the commaraderie (sp?).

I'm 23 years old with a good forty pounds I would like to donate. As of now I'm trying to do some serious cardio (shooting for 4-6 times per week) mixed with a diet. I'm still working on the timing of all my weight loss goals...actual dates and I'll figure that out soon.

A little bit more about me. I graduated college May 2009 and have been working full-time as a tax accountant since then, during which time I've put on 20 pounds! I didn't realize there was a "freshman 15" outside of college. Funny thing is, when I went to college I actually lost weight since I walked everywhere. Now I still eat as much as I did in college (that is to say, a Lot), but I haven't been working out! So, that's going to change.

If you're here for motivation and new friends as well, please friend me!

Best of Luck to Everyone!
