Need a second oppinoin

Greetings all. My name is Mike im 32 years old and i have thought about posting several times but haven't had the guts to. I started my new diet plan on 7/9/14 and at the start i weighed 436 pounds. I am more determined than ever to get healthy this time, because this time im not doing this for anyone but myself. In the last . 16 days i have lost 32 pounds !! however over the last 2 days I have not gained or lost any weight. maybe I have gone down half a pound if that. Many people " my nutritionist" included have said that there is a point around week 2 or 3 that you will hit a wall and for a short time not loose or gain weight. I was looking for a second ( third..80th) opinion on this. I am hoping this is normal and that in a day or 2 i will go back to loosing again. I have followed a very strict diet and am exercising 20-30 min a day. my calorie intake is normally around 1500-1700 as instructed by my nutritionist. I have been logging every day and following my directed meal plan but im going to open up my food diary and if you have a moment please take a look.. Im open to suggestions. Also I feel so isolated form the people around me as they have no idea what i am going through. If anyone is available or would like to join me on this journey please feel free to add me. I am around everyday and would love to share stories and help motivate each other. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Im looking forward to some feedback on my brick wall issue.


  • alyssamaryw
    Thirty-two pounds in such a short time is a lot! Congratulations! I think what your body is doing right now is recovering, it may take a few days, it may take a week, but don't give up just because the numbers are not moving down on the scale. You may notice that you start looking better regardless of what the scale says. That's because the scale is easily affected by other factors such as water retention. Keep at it!
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    Completely agree with Alyssa above - I lost a big lump at first and then it slowed and came off sporadically. I got obsessed with weighing myself every day and got disheartened when it didn't - I was trying to get below 14 stone at the time.
    I decided to not weigh myself for two weeks, and when I did, I'd got below that 14 stone barrier!

    Try not to fixate too much on the scales - I'm now a stone heavier than my lowest weight, but wearing a dress size smaller.

    good luck :)