Let's be friends?

Hello again!

I was just wondering if anyone would like to be friends? Looking through my news feed would help keep me motivated. It would also be awesome to have a accountability partner or weight loss buddy.

I've lost weight in the past but I always put it back on because I go into hard core weight loss mode restricting calories at a level that's not maintainable for me and working out at a rate that burns me out so I'm taking my time this time (I used to think I had to lose RIGHT NOW) and working with my diet to see what works for me.

Can anyone else relate?

Also this is my plan right now. Between 1200 and 1800 calories a day at a very sedentary rate. Started at 176.4 so far down to 173.4. My first goal is to get back to 155 where I was when I entered my program in November. After that I will focus more on getting to my finishing goal. The name is Staci by the way!!


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I'm Staci Also! I always get a little excited when I find someone with the name spelled the same.

    I've been on-again/off-again this journey for a long time and 'this time' it has been different. I've changed so that I'm moving more (not letting my lazy nature take over) and paying much more attention to what I eat. First focusing on getting protein, fruits & veggies and then filling in gaps as seems appropriate for the day.

    For much of the past 7 months I was eating 1400-1600 per day, which is very doable in my opinion. Now I'm cutting down on my deficit as I get closer to my goal. So generally aiming 1600-1800. Though I'm not exactly certain of my ideal maintenance weight. 130-135? I still have work to do, that I can see. But overall I'm happy with my body and know I've come a long way.
  • shanlivestrong
    shanlivestrong Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Shannon. I can relate to what you're going through. For years I've started dieting and going to the gym only to fall off after a short period. I've only gained over the past five years instead of losing. This time feels totally different. I'm committed and can't wait until I see progress. I'm down 7.8lbs since I started my weight loss journey on 6/30. It seems slow but I'm learning to be patient and I'm continuously pushing myself to keep going. You can add me if you like!