My metabolism seems to be very low

I've been doing this for, about, nearly two months. I've lost 7/8 pounds out of 35, and have stopped there. I'm on 1200 calories a day. My TDEE is supposed to be 1562, with no exercise. I was doing exercise before and was losing weight, eating back the calories. I have stopped, and my weight loss stopped with it, despite sticking to my goal.

Why am I maintaining my weight and body fat % at 1200 calories? It seems mad. I'm 5'1, and 146 pounds, for reference.

This is making me really upset. I'm really bloody trying, and I had worked out that I would be done by Christmas, but clearly I won't. In fact, I'm not sure I'm going to lose any more weight now, it's been this way for like two weeks.

Sorry, I don't want to open my food diary... I kind of have a thing about that, ever since I found a family member looking through one I had written out a year ago and acting as if I had an eating disorder because I counted calories. They were well meaning, but, yeah... sorry.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    you've lost 8 lbs in 2 months, thats good progress. how long has it been since your weight last changed? it is not uncommon to see stalls for even weeks at a time while still in a calorie deficit.

    as for opening up your diary, thats totally up to you, but youre totally anonymous, no prof pic, you dont have to tell any of your friends that your using this site. you could be my mother and i would never know it
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    That's about 1 lb per week. That is good progress.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    If you aren't losing on 1200 calories you are probably eating more than you think or burning less than you think. I understand not wanting to open your diary, but unfortunately that's the best way for people to help you figure it out.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    BigT555 - It's been two weeks, I think.

    Lrayborn1987 - Thanks, I just want it to continue... but it stopped. Though I do find it weird it hasn't been the 2lbs per week MPF told me it would be, but I'll just be happy if I consistantly lose weight.

    Levitateme - I'm not burning anything really, as I'm not exercising, but when I do, I try not to eat back ALL the calories because of that. But as for food? I log all of it. So, unless the database is wrong (do double check when I can), I'm not eating more than I think. I wish it was that simple.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    BigT555 - It's been two weeks, I think.

    Lrayborn1987 - Thanks, I just want it to continue... but it stopped. Though I do find it weird it hasn't been the 2lbs per week MPF told me it would be, but I'll just be happy if I consistantly lose weight.

    Levitateme - I'm not burning anything really, as I'm not exercising, but when I do, I try not to eat back ALL the calories because of that. But as for food? I log all of it. So, unless the database is wrong (do double check when I can), I'm not eating more than I think. I wish it was that simple.
    you log it yes, but are you sure you are logging accurately? take a looksee at this post

    also, 2 weeks isnt enough time to stress yourself over, it could be just water retention from exercise, sodium, your period ect ect

    dont worry about a stall on the scale until it lasts a month, thats the only way to be sure its not just water weight
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    you log it yes, but are you sure you are logging accurately? take a looksee at this post

    also, 2 weeks isnt enough time to stress yourself over, it could be just water retention from exercise, sodium, your period ect ect

    dont worry about a stall on the scale until it lasts a month, thats the only way to be sure its not just water weight

    Thanks for the link - I'm already doing all that. But I understand why people would think I might not be. Honestly, I own two pairs of good scales (ran a food company for a while) and weigh in grams (and under a gram, hence the second pair, but that's really only useful for precise stuff). I log everything. Not water, mind you, or salt/pepper/most herbs and spices - but only because I looked the calories up for those and realised, in the quantity I used them, it would equate to maybe a calorie in a meal. That seems silly to log. :p

    I suppose I'll wait it out then. Just can't help feeling depressed about it. :(
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    Levitateme - I'm not burning anything really, as I'm not exercising, but when I do, I try not to eat back ALL the calories because of that. But as for food? I log all of it. So, unless the database is wrong (do double check when I can), I'm not eating more than I think. I wish it was that simple.

    It's not just the database that could be messing with your logging. As has been said, opening your diary is the best way to get advice. Just about everyone else here is counting calories, so they're not going to think you have an ED.

    The fact that you were losing a lb a week for 2 months, might be some indication that you are eating about the right amount of calories. A couple weeks stall is no big deal.'re+probably+eating+more+than+you+think
  • Nappingcat97
    Nappingcat97 Posts: 21 Member
    If your body needs 1500 a day to operate calories to operate, and you are only taking in 1200, that is a daily deficit of 300. 300x7=2100. That's about 3 quarters of a pound per week (you need a deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound), which for someone your size is very good. Unfortunately, that is also like watching grass grow. If you want it to go faster, a daily fast walk of 30 minutes should put you where you need to be. Two pounds a week is tough even for a 260# guy like me, and I'm eating right and excercising as much as I can. Don't get discouraged. Just follow the numbers, and be patient.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Two weeks isn't that long.

    If you were doing something that was working before, can you go back to that?
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    If you're concerned, have your metabolism tested. I had mine done. It was a simple test done by a dietitian.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If you're concerned, have your metabolism tested. I had mine done. It was a simple test done by a dietitian.

    What did that entail? I was under the impression that it was more than a simple test. I don't think it is available here so I am curious.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    If you're concerned, have your metabolism tested. I had mine done. It was a simple test done by a dietitian.

    What did that entail? I was under the impression that it was more than a simple test. I don't think it is available here so I am curious.
    they hook you up to a respirator and base it off of the amount of oxygen your body consumes in a given amount of time
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If you're concerned, have your metabolism tested. I had mine done. It was a simple test done by a dietitian.

    What did that entail? I was under the impression that it was more than a simple test. I don't think it is available here so I am curious.
    they hook you up to a respirator and base it off of the amount of oxygen your body consumes in a given amount of time

    And a dietician does this? How long is it?
    I kind of assumed that was in a lab.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    If you're concerned, have your metabolism tested. I had mine done. It was a simple test done by a dietitian.

    What did that entail? I was under the impression that it was more than a simple test. I don't think it is available here so I am curious.
    they hook you up to a respirator and base it off of the amount of oxygen your body consumes in a given amount of time

    And a dietician does this? How long is it?
    I kind of assumed that was in a lab.
    ive never personally had it done im just aware of how they do it. it wouldnt take much equipment to do, im sure certain dieticians would be able to perform the evaluation. all it does is give your BMR though
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    I've been doing this for, about, nearly two months. I've lost 7/8 pounds out of 35, and have stopped there....

    This is making me really upset. I'm really bloody trying, and I had worked out that I would be done by Christmas, but clearly I won't. In fact, I'm not sure I'm going to lose any more weight now, it's been this way for like two weeks.

    mind if i put something into perspective for you?

    i've been tracking my food for just over 3 months. i've been working out for almost 2 months now. i weigh, measure, and portion EVERYTHING. i'm at a consistent deficit of at LEAST 500 calories a day. in the first month, i lost one pound.

    one... freaking... pound.

    since then, i lost 4 more, bounced back 2, and have finally dropped 1. so my net loss in the same amount of time is just about half of what yours is. yet according to MFP, i should have been down at least 10-12 pounds by now.

    in other words, be glad you aren't me. be glad that your body isn't a hugging freak of nature with normal levels of everything and disgustingly superb bloodwork, yet still defies the universal laws of physics by refusing to let go.

    (i apologize if this came off as rude or offensive... i'm having a hard time dealing with the information i got from my doc.)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    to the OP - how tall are you?

    i'm just over 5' 3", i eat 1200 net calories per day, which means on workout days i eat back some of my exercise calories if i get hungry and i lose about a pound a week. i'm quite happy with that, it's been a steady pound a week since may. my husband, who's 6' 7" eats 2600 to 2900 calories per day maintenance, but at 5' 3", and just starting weight training again, the most i eat on a heavy exercise day is 1400.
  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Itsbasschick - I'm 5'1 - yeah, my husband is 6'2 and has to keep increasing his calories because he's losing too much, then gloats about how much chocolate he gets to eat, haha.

    Plerf - I'm sorry, that sounds incredibly frustrating and upsetting for you. I hope you can figure out what's wrong.

    I doubt I could get my metabolism tested - I'm in England, so on the NHS. You have to really need to have things done before they'll let you, usually. Couldn't afford private health care.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Metabolic testing is available in some gyms, sports clinics etc in the UK. £40 perhaps. But to be honest practically nobody turns out to have a RMR more than about 15% off the predicted value.