Hard time getting back on track

Any suggestions! I have lost 16#, but I am a stress-emotional eater. Was doing SO well, then got off track. Started with ice cream, now, just about anything. I try to write it all down, and do great until near bedtime. Then, I just get hungry, and eat the wrong things. I wish I could be like some of you that can stop with just one bowl of ice cream, or one cookie, but that gets me started, and somehow, my brain just loses control.

So I am up 2 lbs, and so down on myself. Again today, I had my oatmeal, and going to try hard. I'm trying to drink a lot of water. Any other suggestions. I know I have to stop the binge, emotional eating, but it is hard. And I know that each day is a new day, but by 9pm, I seem to forget that.


  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    If I have ice cream in the house, I'm eating ALL of the ice cream in the house. My only resolution for this is to not keep ice cream in the house.

    When I do get ice cream, I get the weight watchers or skinny cow bars. Portioned servings, limited number of them.

    You can do it!
  • marilynbauer
    marilynbauer Posts: 28 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I do okay and then one slip up and I seem to fall down the mountain. The older I get the harder it seems to get. I too am an emotional eater. I just try to take small baby steps and as soon as I fall (binge) jump back up and get back on track. Good luck
  • MProost
    MProost Posts: 5 Member
    I find that by just doing something to keep busy helps me to not think about the ice cream or whatever food I think I just have to eat. Like getting out of the house and going for a walk (preferably not near an ice cream shop) or just start cleaning the house - just keep moving and that craving might go away.