Low carb breakfast ideas?



  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member

    Is that a duck?
    It's a kinda cheese curd meets cottage cheese dairy product. More common in parts of Europe than the U.S.
    I would describe it as "like solid-ish Greek yogurt and maybe slightly more acidic in taste". Or perhaps a bit like solid-ish crème fraiche (sorry about the incorrect i, it should have a hat on it, not a dot).

    The quiche is a fabulous idea, I've had lots of homemade granola, Greek yogurt and maple syrup lately.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Is that a duck?
    It's a kinda cheese curd meets cottage cheese dairy product. More common in parts of Europe than the U.S.
    I would describe it as "like solid-ish Greek yogurt and maybe slightly more acidic in taste". Or perhaps a bit like solid-ish crème fraiche (sorry about the incorrect i, it should have a hat on it, not a dot).

    The quiche is a fabulous idea, I've had lots of homemade granola, Greek yogurt and maple syrup lately.
    Actually, yes, a bit more like a solid creme fraiche (I'll use your spelling). Good description.
  • sjacobs28
    sjacobs28 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds like you may not have these things either (do you live in the deep country??) road trip to a Trader JOes? ;) I found a better yogurt than greek! The brand is Siggi's its about 13 carbs for the whole thing and only 5 ingredients.
    I also get the adkins shakes and put them in my smoothie blender with a tbls natural peanut butter, a handful of kale and chia seeds. That is on days I dont eat my eggs and bacon :)
  • islandblush