not hungry but feeling low energy...can someone tell me why

i was wondering why i feel low on energy could not be that im hungry and need to eat to get the energy as im not feeling hungry.
can someone explain why.


  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Could be because you're not eating enough. Just because you're not hungry doesn't mean you are nourished. If you've been consistently under-eating, you won't feel hungry. It could be a ton of different things, but low energy usually equals low vitamins and nutrients. Which come from food. Make sure you're hydrating yourself and getting enough rest.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    you don't tell us enough to form opinions. are you cutting calories? if so, how long have you been doing so and how many calories per day have you cut from what you used to eat? how tall are you and what do you weigh?
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Im 5ft 2.5in
    Cw: 175
    Avg calorie intake is around 1300-1500
    I also go to the gym atleast 4 days a week for an hr minimum in which i usually do 30 min treadmill @ 3-3.6mph and the rest light strength/ weight training..but not too much heavy weight as i habe knee arthiritus.
    oh and im 32 yts.
  • stefi14
    stefi14 Posts: 7 Member
    You could be feeling a little depressed if your weight loss is not going as planned. Or maybe it has nothing to do with weight loss even! Are you having any problems in the family, job, school etc
  • mollyea97
    mollyea97 Posts: 8 Member
    Could be a number of things, may need to up calories, may be not getting enough of a vitamin or other nutrients or some other things. If you keep feeling low on energy go to your doctor's and ask to have a blood test done to check on iron, b12 and other vitamin levels to be sure your not deficient in something
  • horserider1001
    horserider1001 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that my energy level is way up. By totally staying away from sugar. If you don't add it to your diet there is enough natural sugars out there. Fruits are the best way to get it. It's so true that all calories are not equal and that's it what you eat that counts. Keeping bread down to a minimum has helped me a lot also. Good Luck hope this was helpful.
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    Could be a number of things.

    How is your iron? Have you had it checked. Low iron is common in women.

    32 and arthritis, do you take any meds that could make you feel depressed?

    Are you following a low carb diet? Lack of carbs can take away your energy too. High protein diets make you feel full but not enough energy.

    I'm not a doctor, just stuff I have found with myself over the years. You may want to see a doctor if it isn't because of your diet.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Im 5ft 2.5in
    Cw: 175
    Avg calorie intake is around 1300-1500
    I also go to the gym atleast 4 days a week for an hr minimum in which i usually do 30 min treadmill @ 3-3.6mph and the rest light strength/ weight training..but not too much heavy weight as i habe knee arthiritus.
    oh and im 32 yts.

    are you eating back exercise calories?
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    We are not psychics or doctors (Well some of us), OPEN YOUR DIARY!
  • Have you had your thyroid checked?
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    All blood reports were normal when i was getting tests done for my knee pain.
    As for carb just trying to focus on calories at the moment.
    im not taking any med and do eat my exercise calories back
    Anyways thanks everyone ..ill keep seeing how it goes.
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Well if i see it that way it might be becoz im busy with my two daughters most of the day.
    and the youngest is just 9 months old.
  • mollyea97
    mollyea97 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm pretty sure they don't check iron levels when trying to find a source for knee pain (could but I doubt it). Blood tests don't cover everything, doctors request for a handful of things to be looked into and no more than that gets done. Go back and have another test if it keeps up.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Based on your diary you are not eating enough.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    Are you eating some delicious things? Do you have 'me' time? Can you relax somewhere, without a lot of pressure? Being a mom with two small kids can zap you.
    B vitamins?
    Lots of water?
    Is the gym enjoyable? Is there something you could do that is? Bikes?
    Do you get enough sleep?
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Could also be simple dehydration.

    That will sap your energy right to 0 if it goes on long enough.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i notice that on some days you're not eating enough protein. that could cause low energy, as could not enough water - or not enough potassium. i'm also wondering how long ago you cut your calories. for my first two weeks, i felt weak and limp from cutting too much too suddenly.
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    Usually my lethargy comes on from either less active days, so never really getting my blood pumping, or dehydrated. Normally, if I up my water, get re-hydrated, and just "do something", I find that's all I really needed. Otherwise, i can usually attribute lethargy to a mood, so I then question what it is that's making me a downer, making me less motivated to do anything. Though, definitely make sure it isn't a lack of nutrients of any kind. I'd say, if you've been eating enough, drink some more water. If that's not it, try forcing yourself into some time-occupying activity. Normally, an instant situation that forces you to make on the spot decisions, think or act quick, get me the spike I need to get myself going. Hopefully your initial motion keeps you motivated to keep going. Good luck!
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Well sleep is not tht great to be honest..coz my 9 month old still wakes up twice during the night.and she has breast feed. Ive just shifted her to formula milk two week back.
  • tracybilal
    tracybilal Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your suggestions.each one is important and ive taken them into consideration . Hopefully it will get better.
    love you all for your responses.