Newbie Here

Hello everyone. I'm new to MFP. Not new to dieting/lifestyle change eating/living strong, and other things to help lose weight. I was directed here by one of my daughters, and I really like the site. I'll have a few questions for anyone willing to answer and I'll be friends with anyone, once I learn how.
I'm Bill. 57 year old Grandfather for 5, Father of 3, and husband of one for past 32 years. I'm a born again Christian. I work as a 911 dispatcher and operator - been doing this for 17 years. 20 year retiree from the US Navy prior to that. Hope to meet lots of you good people while on this journey.
Thanks for reading.


  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi there Bill. I am fifty, married, from England, and new here. Good luck with your journey and feel free to friend me.
  • trishalackin
    trishalackin Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Bill! Welcome to MFP! There are a great group of people here :)

    I'm willing to help answer any questions I can... ask away!