What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?

I heard some people say that it's going to be your cheating day, or you're not counting that day.

And I'm a picky eater and vegetarian, so I won't have too much family pressure to stuff my face.

So what's happening for everyone else?
Just curious.


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'll be cooking all day and then I'll be eating. I normally give myself the weekend "off". I don't go to the gym or stay super strict with my calories. So I'll be tracking my calories but I may not stick to the goal. I'll probably end up going to the gym on Saturday so I still get my 5 days for the week.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I'm vegetarian too, so I'm pretty much making my own meal. And I don't like most of the traditional thanksgiving dishes, so i'm not too worried about it.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    This year we are going to my mother-in-laws, as we alternate. I am keeping track of my calories and workingout, but I'm not really a fan of the "traditional" thanksgiving foods, so I think I will be ok- unless someone brings some chocolately goodies!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    I'm the crazy mad cook who caters to all my meat eating and vegetarian guests. I'm not counting that day because I think it will be impossible. I need to taste along the way to make sure everything is to my standards and that's too hard to figure out calories for. The meal has taken on a life of its own. I started with a simple 7 course menu how it's grown exponentially. It's the one day a year that I go above and beyond in the kitchen for 4 days straight, for my family. Though maybe I will try figuring calores since I will be burning calories on my feel all day long baking, roasting, basting, cleaning, etc.
  • aigéan
    I'll tell you what I'm not doing: counting calories! hahaha. I'm not going to overeat, but I'm definitely eating! Besides, the next day I will be busting my *kitten* decorating for Christmas! So I think it'll be okay! :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I started cooking today (made cranberry sauce, prebaked the sweet potatoes, started the sponge for oatmeal bread which I'll bake tomorrow.) All that's left is steaming the brussels, making mushroom gravy, boiling and mashing potatoes, and baking the stuffing. Easy enough, both to cook and to count. Now the goal is to preburn a bunch of calories on the treadmill, as well, and I might make it without gaining a ton of weight (hmm.)
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm eating and taking a walk weather permitting! No worries on Thanksgiving :)
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    I chose to work on Thanksgiving. My husband has to work too. So its just going to be a regular day for us.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'll tell you what I'm not doing: counting calories! hahaha. I'm not going to overeat, but I'm definitely eating! Besides, the next day I will be busting my *kitten* decorating for Christmas! So I think it'll be okay! :)

    Same here! I'm desperately going to try and not go overboard though, because I always feel guilty afterwards. If I do go overboard, I'm going to desperately try not to feel guilty about it all. I'm taking a 3500 calorie burn challenge this week... And I just so happen to be sick (for the second time this month, 7-8 time this year), so I think I've created quite a calorie deficit by not eating. Eh... We'll see. Couldn't be any worse than the time I gave myself TWO cheat days in a row and gained a pound that week. Lol. Thanksgiving will be a single day thing, no matter how much leftovers there are!
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    We are heading down to San Antonio (Texas) for Thanksgiving with my husband's family. There will be lots of family there and everyone is bring a dish or two. I'm taking my Praline Sweet Potato Casserole. I will probably eat a little of everything, but try to fill up on white meat turkey and salad and just "nibble" on dressing and sweet potato casserole. I just hope no one brings Key Lime Pie. . .it's my favorite. . .along with Coconut Cream. Going to have to just avoid the dessert table. OK. . .maybe just a small sliver of pie. . .or two!! After the huge meal, my husband and his brother usually play their guitars and sing. . .each trying to out do the other. . .lots of laughter and joking! Then the Texas A&M Aggies play the University of Texas Longhorns. They are huge rivals; half the family went to UT. . .the other half to A&M. . .should be interesting!
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. If you will be on the road, be safe and watch out for the "crazies!"
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I am doing the cooking this year for just 4 of us. Still will have the turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, glazed carrots, and of course the rolls! Chocolate pie for desert. We will be starting out with a green salad instead of soup this year (sorry auntie, just couldn't face your soup again). I plan on eatting lots of turkey and carrots, the salad, and just a little of the potatoes and gravy and stuffing. I am undecided about the pie yet......
  • shannonichole
    I have to work. Ironically I work as a chef and get paid to make Thanksgiving dinner! :laugh:

    But I will definitely dive into any vegetarian courses and desserts!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I plan on eating everything in sight and not logging one single calorie...and not caring, either. It's just once a year so no regrets!

    Me and Justin will be eating Thanksgiving "lunch" at my parents house. My mom is making a leg of lamb this year with all the other "normal" Turkey Day foods. And then we are eating Thanksgiving "dinner" at his parents house. They usually have both turkey and ham over there with all those other "normal" Turkey Day foods.

    I can't wait!!!

    Guess Friday I will do 2 workouts and burn over 1000 calories total, haha!!! But like I said, no regrets. I have been doing great this year. I started 2010 weighing almost 160, and I joined MFP when I got down to 143...and am already down to 139. So, one day of naughtiness in the dining room won't demolish all those months of hard work, so I don't care. Pass me pumpkin pie, please!!!