Ready to do this

I am new to this and at 222 lbs I have now reached my tipping point in which I have to do something about it. I have been reading peoples post on here and it has inspired me. I hope in posting this people on here will help hold me accountable and keep me inspired. Tomorrow I will post a pic. I want to thank everyone for their help in advance.


  • Feel free to add me! I'm on here everyday and have noticed such a difference since talking with others on here that are also trying to get healthier. Good luck on your new journey :) .
  • Hi Stacey, I am new to this too. I weigh 253lbs and just started a week ago, and so far have lost 2 lbs just by staying"around"my calorie goal. I have gone a little over a few days but logging my food every day has made me really think about how many calories I must have been eating every day. I am going to slowly add in more exercise to help with the weight loss but first I want focus on what I am eating. I love the phone app and that I can scan the barcode off of food packages and automatically adds in everthing for me. I also love the nutrition tab so I can try to meet my goals in certain things (fiber, protien) while trying ,emphasis on trying, to stay under in sodium, fats, and calories.
  • Hi bshipman89, how do you add the picture of how much you lost to each post?
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    Hi guys! i'm erica, im 21 yrs old at 235. lets all break the two hundreds and get into ONE-derland!!! i started at 271 and got down to 220 at my lowest and gained half of the weight back after the holidays. i have been back in the fitness and health game for about 2 months. i love helping out and i definitely need support myself. feel free to add :)