Keith Urban - Get Closer

MrsMills712 Posts: 350
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Hey Keith fans!

Just wondering what you guys think of this newest CD?
I for one, can't stop listening to it :)

Personally, I think he's one of the most underrated performers out there.
His guitar skills alone should be recognized, and yet he's always getting jipped out of awards!

Okay, done ranting and back to listening :)


  • He's awesome, very charismatic! Love most of his songs.
  • LOVE it, love him and his music and his accent.. ahh.
    I got to see him in concert in June, and we were standing really close to the front. So so awesome! he is hot, I dont care what people say... :)
  • also I am going to go workout and listen to it right now :) his songs are the best country to workout with!
  • Awesome! He comes to my state in July. That seems so far off from now!! :( But I'm already so excited.
    And you're right, his music is so easy to get moving along with! ;)
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