Argghh Im so hungry!



  • tamihanksbaughman
    On the advice of my sister who has gone from a size 16 to a 4, I don't count fruits and veggies in my calories. That encourages me to eat more of them, getting more nutrition and I stay full longer.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    It just depends on what you want. I wanted to make a big change and start dropping a lot of weight. So the only carbs I ate was rice and potatoes. I ate chicken, fish, eggs, veggies and fruit and lots of water. I dropped 40 lbs in 10 weeks. Now I'm starting to feel restless and want more variety in my diet. So I've starting eating more and adding in treats and losing slower.
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    You honestly just have to find what works best for you. I feel best with 3 big meals a day and a large snack before bed.

    Nearly every single morning I have a breakfast sandwich (light rye bread, one egg, one slice chicken bacon, some spinach, one tbsp salsa, half a serving of low fat cream cheese) and some fruit. This combo keeps me full for HOURS!
  • eric5577
    eric5577 Posts: 65 Member
    When ever I get that feeling of "aww man, I am hungry" I have a PB sandwhich. I use the multi-grain sandwhich bread (100 cal?) and all natural Skippy PB (2tbsp)...not sure of the cal in each, I ate one yesterday and usualy eat at least 2 of them a day. If I am really hungry, then I add greek yogurt to the sandwhich. It does the job for me, and keeps me feeling full till I eat dinner...

    Skippy all natural PB = 190cal for 2 tbsp
    Mulitgrain Sandwhich Thins = 100cal
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    On the advice of my sister who has gone from a size 16 to a 4, I don't count fruits and veggies in my calories. That encourages me to eat more of them, getting more nutrition and I stay full longer.

    I don't recommend this, its still a matter of calories in vs. out and not tracking how much you are eating can take you right out of a deficit.I would try and eat a lot of vegetables as they are low calorie, filling and full of vitamins and fruit has its place, but going overboard on fruit isn't a good plan, and not tracking your food defeats the purpose of using a tool like MFP.
  • kweenie71
    kweenie71 Posts: 2
    I found that eating 5 times a day stops the hunger.. I eat a lot of fruits and vegies with some lean meats. lots of chicken and fish... I allow myself a treat with some of those 100 calorie snack packs or on hot days, a real fruit Popsicle... because of my sleeping schedule, I am able to eat every 3 hours and it's going great!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    On the advice of my sister who has gone from a size 16 to a 4, I don't count fruits and veggies in my calories. That encourages me to eat more of them, getting more nutrition and I stay full longer.

    I don't recommend this, its still a matter of calories in vs. out and not tracking how much you are eating can take you right out of a deficit.I would try and eat a lot of vegetables as they are low calorie, filling and full of vitamins and fruit has its place, but going overboard on fruit isn't a good plan, and not tracking your food defeats the purpose of using a tool like MFP.

    I have to agree with FitMeldoy on this one. Veggies are generally low calorie and you can easily fit a bunch within your calorie goal.

    Fruits however are generally higher in calories. The banana (109g) I ate at breakfast was 97cals. Avocado has 160 calories in 100g.