Weak & tremors not workout but possibly TOM related

XChibi Posts: 4 Member
tl;dr version: Been really fatigued, weak, internal hand/leg tremors for about a month. Not related to workouts, I think it is related to PMS/TOM.

Really long story:

About 4 weeks ago I was traveling by train to begin my vacation. About halfway through my trip I could feel my throat start to hurt and sinuses were acting up. I figure I caught a sinus infection (I usually do 2x times a year and the train is full of coughing, sneezing, people). My doctor called in a Z-Pack for me, and I took it each day as prescribed. Fast forward 7 days and my sinus infection was gone and so was my vacation. I began traveling back home and felt just very fatigued on the train. I figured my body was still trying to fight off whatever remaining sickness + lack of sleep from the night before that usually happens when you are about to travel.

At home, I was experiencing weakness in my arms and legs, as well as nausea, and my hands and legs felt shakey though they were not visibly so. Nothing new, TOM was approaching and those are my usual PMS symptoms (I've been getting them for about 10 years- waaaaay before I started any lifestyle changes or "diet") and it was about that time. A week later, no TOM, and the symptoms were a lot worse than I ever experienced during PMS. I could not stay out of bed for more than 10 minutes without feeling exhausted, my head was killing me from the pressure and that was never a PMS symptom of mine. I thought, OK, maybe this is the flu and my period trying to come at once? Maybe I didn't fully recover from the sinus infection? No idea.

Another week later, I could walk around now but I'd have to stop and take a breather every now and then, and my headaches were still killing me. I would feel winded at times. My sister suggested maybe I was not getting enough iron and said I should "stop counting calories and eat real food" (apparently watching calories and eating healthy means I'm not eating "real" food). So, I stopped counting calories and increased red meat consumption, loaded up on Raisin Bran cereal, took a mineral supplement, etc... After eating a huuuuge steak, I was able to stand up and walk around without a headache, so I thought "bingo- must be iron deficiency". The symptoms came back the next day, so I tried to eat another huge steak and meal, and no luck this time. Must have been a fluke.

I went to the doctor because I had enough. Doctor said I come in a lot for nausea and weakness, and I explained that it has always been the PMS (seriously, never failed before...symptoms + 3 days later = period). He did blood work and everything was normal- hormones, iron count, lyme disease negative, diabetes negative, blood counts all good except white blood count was a tiny bit high but nothing concerning. He said he doesn't know what else he could do for me and suggested I go to a neurologist. I made the appointment for a neurologist which I'll be going next week some time, but in the mean time...

I finally got my period (two weeks late- maybe my body was too weak to flow--no idea again-and no, not pregnant), so I thought "Ahah! This WAS just really bad PMS, now the symptoms should start to subside as they always do by the 3rd day!" So, during my period, I kept eating enough to surpass my recommended iron, just in case, and have remained hopeful the symptoms would go away. However, now the symptoms are just toying with me. The symptoms keep coming and going, one day I'll be fine, the next my head is killing me and I can't walk too long without taking a break and standing still I can feel my legs shake.

Before going on vacation, since January 1st, I was following MFP lifestyle: eating according to MFP calories and macros and such and exercise (cardio/strength workouts) at LEAST 3x a week, mostly 4x, sometimes more. For the 3 weeks of sickness I couldn't bring myself to exercise and I could barely move. This past week I figured maybe lack of exercise isn't helping, so I tried to start light again, and although I could make it through a workout, it felt like I was some sickly gazelle trying to do an insanity workout, but the workout (from fitnessblender) was actually very low impact and I used very light weights and moved slow. Didn't really relieve any symptoms...

I feel pathetic and useless needing help with things that used to be so easy for me to do on my own. Before I could carry an air conditioner unit up three flights of stairs no problem, and now I can't even bring groceries in from the car to the house...

Trying to research similar symptoms and anemia and MS pop up a lot in my searches, but I don't quite match the symptoms 100% with either... so still unsure.

I still really do believe this has something to do with TOM/PMS since, for the most part, they are just really extreme versions of my normal PMS symptoms, and I am hoping a week from now the symptoms go away completely since, by then, I'll be totally and beyond done with TOM... but in the mean time, I was hoping to hear any advice, thoughts, theories, similar situations, etc... (Please don't say "go to the doctor"... I'm already in the process of beggining this wild goose chase with a slew of doctors).

BTW: 27 years old to give you an idea that I am not near menopause or anything.

Anyway, thanks for reading.