"Cheat" Days



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    I agree with you, I do not have 'cheat days' either. It implies I have something to cheat on. I just do my best to balance my meals throughout the day. If there is something that is a poor choice that I want I serious consider the impact to my body and goals. Last night I indulged in a serving of potato salad at a restaurant. To me this was a treat because it is not something I would have in the course of a normal day. It was just one item in the day, not an entire day loaded with mistakes.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I've had a full blown "spike day" at least once a week for the past several years. It's not "cheating" when it's planned and helps you lose weight.
    My rules are; eat whatever you want, no food restrictions.
    Calorie limit is 2X(BMR)

    After spiking; you feel great, have strong workouts, lack cravings, and avoid plateau's

    Check my food logs if you're curious, yesterday I had awesome cheesecake. :)
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I don't have a cheat day per se.... If I want to eat something I'm craving, I look at the calorie count of a full portion and if it will keep me in my calorie count, if not I eat half. I get the taste I want but i refrain from scarfing the whole freakin' thing. Chips and salsa are my weakness, but I refuse to give it up entirely. I make my own salsa and then i count out a serving of chips and that is it.
  • GooneyAngel
    Ah, those good ole cheat days.......When I started this life change, I told myself that I would have one cheat meal a week, that way I could enjoy the old fat foods that I so love. But, now that I am almost 4 weeks into my lifestyle change, I have only cheated once.......Everytime I think of having that "fat" meal, I get feelings of guilt and know that I will have to work extra hard to take off the weight the cheat meal would put on. So, for those that believe in it, do it! If it will keep you on track of being healty, do it! I know for me, I will have a cheat meal in celebration when I reach my GW and fit into size 6-7 again!