I'm not getting the desired feeling from cardio

Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Backgroud -

I weigh 350. My biggest was 384. Started MFP in Sep weighing 370. Medically everything else is fine (I don't have diabetes, high bp, etc.).

For he last two months I primarily just watched calories. I would go for a walk if I felt like I went over my calories or just wanted to get out. (I lost more than 20 pounds).

But I found I was really looking forward to my walks and missed them when I didn't go at night. I even started doing a little bit of running. Well it got cold so I started going to the gym (ok I had selfish reasons too, I was hoping it would put my weight loss into overdrive and really shed the pounds and give me that edge in battling with the holiday foods).

So went from 40 minute casual walks about 4-5 times a week to spending 2 to 2 1/2 hours in the gym at least 3 times a week. Today it was 12 minutes elliptical, 72 minutes on the treadmill averaging 3 mph, and 30 minutes on the bike. This kind of day usually alternates with a weight day in which I casually walk 40 laps (about 2.5 miles) on the indoor track and then do a circuit of weights on the lowest weight (10 pounds), 10 reps, 1 set.

The only other thing that I can think of that changed is my walks were at night and I go to the gym first thing in the morning.

Here's my problem -

I don't like the way I feel.

When I was walking every night I felt tight. I felt toned. I felt the way I thought I should be feeling.

Now with the increase cardio and weights I feel bulky. I feel like a body building man and not a toned, sexy female.

Last Monday I seriously struted around the house saying, "I'm a sexy bi&#h" and I really felt that way. Today I fell like I need to enter a weight lifting competition.

And I'll keep up with the new routine if it will help shed the pounds faster (last week I gained a pound) but I don't want the bulk.

Anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions on what I should be doing?


  • vlonghi
    vlonghi Posts: 9 Member
    I Would honestly suggest just doing cardio, especial if you feel like your getting bulky. Right now what you want is to loose weight and i guess also lower your percentage of body fat... They told me at the Gym that my body fat percentage was high and i needed to to a lot of cardio work to lower it. I do one day of cardio and the next i do my routine, supposedly to build muscle because the more muscle you have the faster your metabolism works. I guess it just depends on what you want. Maby just do cardio for a couple of months until and then start weight training to become more firm. I hope this helps... :)
  • I'm certainly no expert but you might be feeling like crap because you're overdoing it. It's important to ease yourself into exercise. Do you check your heart rate while you're working on the machines? I know that if I push too hard and my heart rate is too high that I generally feel awful afterward, instead of my normal energized feeling.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Give your body time to adjust to the new workout. Lifting weights or any strength program does not build muscle or bulk that fast. If it only did, then those who choose to use them would not need steroids, but especially for woman building muscle is not the same as with a man and just doesn't happen that fast. Any reactions you are having could be due to having worked muscles you have never worked before so they are swelling a little, but they will heal, and your body will adapt. Strength training is equally as important to losing weight as cardio, if not more when it comes to long term weight loss and keeping it off.
  • A few things came to mind when I saw what was going on. I was also wondering how long you have been doing more cardio/running. The initial weight you lost, you said over 20 pounds, sounds like the weight that your body just really really didn't want or need! Suddenly watching your calories and then starting a cardio regiment is certainly gonna kick your body into a completely different mode. I think what's happening is that you're plateauing. This, of course, doesn't mean you won't lose anymore weight, just that its going to be more stubborn. Myself, for example, I was able to recently lost about 16 pounds over about three weeks. I'm am still trying to shed more weight, but I also have just stopped losing any weight! When something like this happens, you gotta switch it up. For now, however, I would also suggest some pretty dramatic changes to your diet. The first, and probably most important thing I noticed, is that your breakfasts are either really small or non existent. Your breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. What happens is, while you sleep, your body starts going into starvation mode and by the time you wake up, your metabolism is next to nothing and its holding on to every ounce of body fat it can. The quicker you start eating, the quicker your body will kick start your metabolism. A lot of people will then say that they're never hungry in the morning. Well, in the beginning, you're just gonna have to force it! Eventually, your body will adjust and hopefully you will eat the majority of your daily food before 6:00 pm. That way, by the time you wake up in the morning, you'll be nice and hungry. The other thing I noticed is that only two, maybe three, of your meals make up the majority of your caloric intake. This is also gonna cause your body to hold onto fat and keep your metabolism slow. You are staying under your calories for the day it looked like but if they are only between two meals, your body is gonna do all sorts of crazy things. You really should go any longer than 4 hours with out eating. That way your body has a steady intake of calories, can keep your metabolism up, and wont ever go into starvation mode, atleast while your asleep. One other thing thats pretty important is water intake. If eating a large breakfast in the morning is really hard at first, you could start out by just drinking as much water as you can. This will also get your metabolism going.

    Anyway, I hope I didnt ramble on too much... and I hope this was helpful. Try to remember that most of what you look like is going to be what you eat!!! Let me know if you have any questions!!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I am not a fitness expert by any means, but on another forum I read at, people have written about weight gain when they start lifting weights, and what they said was that the body temporarily swells in response to a new regimen. Then you start to lose weight and inches again. I don't know if that is what is happening to you, but it's something perhaps to consider?
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm certainly no expert but you might be feeling like crap because you're overdoing it. It's important to ease yourself into exercise. Do you check your heart rate while you're working on the machines? I know that if I push too hard and my heart rate is too high that I generally feel awful afterward, instead of my normal energized feeling.

    My heart rate is about 123 which is about 65% or low intensity so I thought I was supposed to be getting it higher but I don't want to stress myself out or start hating it because then I won't do it.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Give your body time to adjust to the new workout. Lifting weights or any strength program does not build muscle or bulk that fast. If it only did, then those who choose to use them would not need steroids, but especially for woman building muscle is not the same as with a man and just doesn't happen that fast. Any reactions you are having could be due to having worked muscles you have never worked before so they are swelling a little, but they will heal, and your body will adapt. Strength training is equally as important to losing weight as cardio, if not more when it comes to long term weight loss and keeping it off.

    That comment about using muscles I haven't used before makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Ok, good advice.

    It gave me some new thoughts that hadn't occured to me before. Mainly, the body getting used to the regime stuff.

    I never thought of it. I expected that the weight would just melt away and I wasn't feeling like it was.

    So I'm going to stick with it.

    Thanks everyone.

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I think you are doing AWESOME and what you are going through is quite common! My only suggestion is WATER-WATER-WATER! It will FLUSH what your body is holding while those muscles are absorbing it!! Keep it up and you will hit that goal!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    When you went for walks was it hilly? If you aren't already using an incline of even a 1 on the treadmill you might want to try that. They say having a 1-2 incline is about what you would have if you were walking outside and you thought it was a flat area and on the eliptical try atleast a 4. You can keep the same speed you are doing now and it will increase your heart rate a little bit and work your muscles a little extra and make them tighter.
  • wow i really admire your strength...i know you maybe feeling a certain way but i have to take my hat off to you on your workout....you got me feeling motivated!
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