what did i learn today

did NOT want to post food tonight after what I ate. I felt bloated and stuffed after what I felt like was an evening of absolutely no control. but I put on my "big girl panties" which are getting smaller, and just did it anyway. Why, because part of my transformation is keeping promises to myself. What did I learn? I learned that less has suddenly become more. even thought I feel kinda ill right now I got there much quicker than in the past. the damage was not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. total calories didn't even hit 2100 for the day. perspective is EVERYTHING. the take away is that I am changing, inside and outside. I am soooo excited. excited at the weight loss, and having more control now than I thought, and mostly, that I had the strength to post everything. now I will go to bed feeling pretty darn good about myself instead of really rotten about myself.

I am new to this BTW, had a false start a couple years ago and just got back about 10 days ago. all friends welcome!