Looking for some real, consistent buddies! (=

Hi there! C:
I'm getting back on track with MFP - I'm looking for some buddies to help!
I've been needing a big support system, because I don't want to get out of control. Two years ago I was suffering from Anorexia, but got help before it was too detrimental. However, I ended up being a part of a friend group/dating someone where it was common place to go out and eat ALL the time, right after getting back in touch with body reality. Long story short, under intense social pressure and misplaced comments/jokes around these people I started binge eating consistently (60lb+ in a year). Left that group of people and I'm looking for a new support system to keep me in check so I don't go back to old habits in trying to get back to where I need to be physically.

I'm 21, I have two awesome herding dogs, I'm super active and love to cook and hike. I'm a writer and I also work full time. Just looking for people to talk to consistently and have a positive, health conscious friendship with!


  • theburpeeking
    theburpeeking Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds like you could really use some motivational people!! I belong to an amazing online facebook group. Currently 600 members and some of the best people you could meet! Shoot me a message if you want added! :D Stay strong, you can do this!
  • Hey I've been on MFP for a while but never really took it seriously. I've recently started taking it more seriously and I've been logging in my food daily since my new job allows me to do so. Feel free to add me, I try to be active everyday switching between cardio one day and strength training the next day. I too need friends to motivate me so add me if you want :)
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log daily, stay being active and once weighted about 25ish pounds but now down to about 200-208 range any given week. I like helping out others on their fitness journey as others did for me.

     “Small daily improvements are the key to staggering LONG-TERM RESULTS”
  • jdawgs0314
    jdawgs0314 Posts: 34
    feel free to add me. i log daily. i am on daily. i would be happy to encourage you as otheres have done for me through my journey.