Anyone else have depression?

VCStarr Posts: 155
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I have severe clinical depression and anxiety. I really like this site for my nutrition and exercise but I was wondering if anyone knows of a site with a similar set up for depression? I think I could really use it right now.


  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    You are not alone....I am currently going through a rough time in my life and am curious as well.
  • Yes you are definitely not alone, I have major depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder and it can get really tough! Just know that you do have friends here to help you and support you. As for a site, I only know about ones for bipolar, I haven't really looked into one for depression yet, so sorry I couldn't be of any help.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    You're not alone. I've suffered from depression for years, and am currently struggling. I was an emotional eater for a long time, and now that I've started on MFP and have cut out the 'emotional eating' i actually FEEL my feelings and it's brought up a LOT of my depression. If you need to talk, i'm here.
  • VCStarr
    VCStarr Posts: 155
    Thank you all. If you hear of anything please let me know. My depression's kicking my butt right now.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I am curious what you mean by a similar site? What would you track? Or are you just looking for support?

    I am dealing with depression, and I know when I don't take my meds I will not do any sort of food tracking or exercising. So it is always important to take them, if you are in fact on meds.

    If you would like a friend, feel free to add me!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I love the idea of a *site* too. I have had major depression most of my adult life...have taken meds for a good three years and much better but still have symptoms and an ugly funk that seems to find me a few months out of the really helps having someone to talk to or someone that has experienced it as well.

    anyone can friend me as well :flowerforyou:
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    I've had chronic depression and severe anxiety with panic attacks that sprouted it's ugly head when I was a teen (I'm in my 40's now). I haven't found any websites, books, etc that have made a difference. What has turned me around and kept me facing the right direction is staying on my prescribed medication, and spending about 4 years in therapy. I think it depends on the person, but I have noticed that in junction with my medication, eating better and getting exercise has also made a big difference. My headaches are much less common, my desire to spend all day in bed is lower, my constant upset stomach is gone, and my avoidence of social situations has improved as well. I still present as emotionally disabled at times, but these last two months (since I started this healthier lifestyle) I have had more control over my reaction to difficult times. I think however the most important thing you can do, is have people in your life that you can honestly talk to, and know that they will have your best interest at heart. Being able to talk out-loud in the safety of a good friend is truly the best. Good luck to you!
  • I'm bipolar too and the depression is very hard to deal with when it comes to emotional eating. When I'm depressed I want to eat more and I want to eat cheap sugary foods. My worst is cake mix... just the mix, it never makes it to cake. More commonly it's instant mashed potatoes, not much better for blood sugar spikes and the chemical depression THAT creates.

    Anything you want to talk about I'm willing to talk about too.
  • Panic attacks are the worst. I had my first one about 2 years ago and I thought I was having a heart attack. Now I can feel it coming on and more often then not can talk myself down or get it to not go full on.

    Are you currently on medication for depression. I fought having to take anything for a long time and recently I have been good about actually taking it. It makes a big difference.
  • I thought I was the only one that felt like this. HOLY COW, I have found my people.

    I am also an emotional eater. I am finding it really hard now to not jump back into eating when I feel horrible. I am also having a hard time with my emotions since I am trying very hard to control my eating and keep losing. I have been on Zoloft since 2000 off and on but more consistently since my grandfather passed in 2007. I will never forget I ate the most I have ever eaten in my entire life during the time of his illness leading up to his passing. That is when I would eat and eat until I totally made myself sick. I am seriously considering going back to my doctor and see if I need to have my meds changed to something beside the Zoloft because I have noticed that makes it hard for me to lose weight.

    If anyone of you want to friend me, I would love to help and talk to anyone at any time.
  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    This was my hello post. NO ONE replied. Where were you all!? Being depressed is the worst and I am the choir. I never ate when I felt sad. But I never move. I am going through the hardest time in my life and I have to do this. It is about control and I need it.

    Hi I'm Aislynne and my weight has been an issue forever! When I was younger loosing weight was so much easier and natural. After haveing my son in 2007 it has become more difficult. With stress and just life I have packed on pounds. I had been on medication for ADD, Depression and Anxiety. So that was Ritalin, Celexa and Kolotopin! Yikes! Not good I was spinning out of control and now I want control. I have come off all medication and I feel so much better. I have had to learn to deal with so much on my own and now I am ready to change my weight forever! I want to run with my 3 year old and have lots and lots of energy to keep up with him. So here I am and I am ready! Wish me luck because I know this is going to be harder but I am dealing with harder things that are out of my control and this, I have control of!
  • Good luck Aislynne! Being off meds feels really good for me for a little while, then I snap back into terrible swings of mood and behavior. For me, control comes from the meds.

    I love that you want to run with your 3 year old.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member

    do you have access to a therapist? I can honestly say from experience, it does help. You have to be ready to purge everything though. All the painfull and embarrassing thoughts need to be laid out there and dealt with. A therapist you trust is a very, very safe environment. Before you start, make a commitment to yourself that you WILL be honest in your discussions. It works. It really does. I regret that I did not see it as an option sooner.

  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Cheryl, Yes I do have access to a therapist. I have even been hospitalized for my depression, my choice. I have more control now than ever. Before I was in a not so good place and now I am. They help and I will get one again, but right now I am doing what is best and taking all of those years of therapy and putting it to good work.:)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,261 Member
    I don't know how helpful this might be, but a friend of mine who struggles with depression uses the following site:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    to all of us here......*you are not alone*......

    a therapist did wonders for me. I initially went to her for depression and anxiety/panic attacks. (had numerous ER visits b/c I thought I was having a heart attack..very scary) I was not medicated at the time, and had trialed many meds in previous yrs, but never on longer than a few months...just didn't feel they worked. Then I suffered a crisis 3 yrs ago, ended up in the ER again, but did not get admitted. Was seeing a psychologist AND my therapist....and again, went thru the process of trialing meds again, and off work for a good 3mos. Finally, Wellbutrim SR 150mg ( I take the generic ) is what worked for me. I was sensitive to so many, they made me feel like a zombie...I would sleep a lot. The crying and sobbing has left but I still have waves of sadness, and well, as many of you know, it is so hard to get out of a depression funk. It totally sucks and not many understand it. I do know eating healthier and exercise help, but not always. I read on here a gal who had depression symptoms and was medicated for it, only to really find out she had ADD...and her world had done a complete turnaround. I sometimes wonder about myself as my son has ADD. Depression is a real medical issue. Make sure you have someone who is there for you that they understand exactly *how you feel*.

    To all of you....know that **you** matter...and you are worth taking care of! we all deserve to be happy and FEEL happy!
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