GW 140 Club

I think we should start a group who has a GW of 140 like me and we can do our weigh-in's weekly..(or daily) doesn't matter. Just put down any loss/gain you have and let's keep chatting! We can also share our thoughts, emotions, anything at all or just to chat. Please feel free to add me. Let's reach our goal!


  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm game - we have very similar goals.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Yay!! :)
  • AmandaR910
    How tall are you both?

    My goal right now is 150lbs, but I'm not sure if I'll knock it down to 140lbs once I see 150 or not.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm 5"6.5
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    My realistic goal for myself is 150 but 140 is my ultimate, dream goal. I'm 5'4.

    Is it okay if I join? I try to weigh myself just once a week!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Sure, you can join! :happy:

    I'm striving to 150-140 myself..depends where I am and how I feel at that point. My fiancee thinks i should check in at 170. That's still overweight in my book. I just want to get down to a healthy BMI thats all. MFP says between 117-155 thereabouts.
  • pattyisinaz
    pattyisinaz Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in. :o) So far i've lost 38 and would like to lose another 14 to reach 140.
  • aprildauer
    I would like to join. I'm 5'5 and my goal weight is 140lbs. MFP says ideal for my height and weight is 111-150. When I got out of high school I weighed 125 but that was before 2 kids. I figure 140 is a good goal and I will see how I feel when I get there if I want to make it to 130 or not. Feel free to add me.
  • poopamomma
    poopamomma Posts: 11 Member
    I would like to join. I am only 5'3 and currently 167.5. My ultimate goal is 130 but I look great at 140. I have a curvy figure so unsure if I can reach 130ish. BMI says I am still overweight at 140 but I look around 125. Anyhoo, I am game to lose this dang baby weight. I want to feel good about myself , again. GO weight loss
  • Burtonrah
    Sounds like a great plan! That's my ultimate goal too!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    im in! it might take me a few years to get there 287 lbs... that means i need to lose 147lbs...
  • elysetoplin
    i'm in! i'm currently 5'5" and weigh 160. i was at 147 at the end of summer but then life happened and i'm back past where i started :sad: . ideally i'd like to be at 130 or 125 but i'd definitely be happy to be at 140!
  • poopamomma
    poopamomma Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like a great plan! That's my ultimate goal too!

    We are almost the same weight. How tall are you?
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I would like to join my goal is ultimately 130 but with as much weight as I have I would be happy at 140, Im 5'4 and that would be an acceptable weight for my height between 130-140
  • Harris_C
    Harris_C Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in! I'm currently 203.5 and want to be somewhere between 135 and 150 (5'6").
  • goldilocks007
    I'd like to join too! I currently weigh 200lbs (so looking forward to breaking 200)!! My goal weight is 140-150 lbs, depends on how the clothes fit when I get closer to my goal. I am 5'4. I weigh in offically on Monday (helps to keep me on track over the weekend). I do peek at the scale daily though. I don't know why I bother, I can now pretty much tell much I weigh without the scale! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm currently 5'9" and weigh 190lbs and my goal is 140-150.
  • AmandaR910
    Okay I'd love to join as well then, though I might quit at 150lbs. I'm 5'10" and pregnant with baby #3 in 2.5 years (due in 3 weeks, so almost done). I'm currently at 213-214lbs and have been steadily losing 1lb/week the last 3 weeks or so. I'm up 22-23lbs for the pregnancy. My normal not pregnant weight is high 160s but I didn't lose all the weight I gained with my first son before I conceived this time. Big mistake lol. :smile:

    Right now the holidays are starting to get to me (I'm a candy addict) so I really hope I'm able to stay on track and make my first Mini Goal on January 1st of 205lbs. I definitely think I can do that.

    I'm going to go through and add several of you to my friends list, if I miss you or you join after me, feel free to add me as well. :)
  • skinnyack
    I'm in- shooting for between 140 and 150 and if I stretch I'm 5'5. Trying to hit 155 by January (30th birthday). currently having a tough time breaking 161!:grumble: Can't WAIT for 159! It's gonna feel sooooo gooood!
  • skinnyack
    So... just got randomly inspired to set a goal of 149 lbs by 149th day of log in (70 days from now)- that's 12 lbs in 10 weeks. It's a stretch, but I need a challenge since I'm a little scared of all things that come after 155.

    2/4/2011 here I come!