Does swimming really not helpy you loose weight?



  • ripplesofaqua18
    ripplesofaqua18 Posts: 1 Member
    I apologize in advance for my (somewhat) rambling...

    I'm a competitive swimmer, and I swim on my own at the YMCA when I'm out of my season. I think part of the reason that swimming doesn't help everyone burn calories, is that you need to swim fast, and long to really burn calories. At the YMCA, I've noticed so many people go to the pool, stay in there for an hour, but only get at most 20 laps in (1 lap being once across the pool). While this is good exercise, and is good for back joints/muscles, it's not enough to really burn tons of calories.

    The tricky thing about swimming is that it is so so dependant on your technique. While humans are natural walkers/runners, we are not natural swimmers. In order to swim at the level needed to really burn calories (rotary breathing, flip turns help, strong kick for at least the freestyle) it takes a lot of practice. Also, the pool is only 25yds (50 if you're lucky) long. For someone who's not a great swimmer, just doing 4 laps is an effort, but it wont burn tons of calories, because its still a short distance. If you want to use swimming to burn calories, you DEFINITELY need to make sure you have solid technique in at least the freestyle (while it burns less than butterfly, its better than breaststroke and backstroke and is easier to learn and go fast with). It also takes a lot of effort in the pool (more than running - I know, I did track too) to really get your heart rate up. When you run you have to push your body against gravity, while in the pool you are essentially weightless, which is easier on your heart.

    [Incidentally, this is also why swimmers tend not to be as lean as runners. We still burn tons of calories during training, but most of us are pigs, and we eat TONS of food (my high school team called themselves the eating team - think Michael Phelps). Our weight doesn't make a ton of difference (and actually fat floats, which is an advantage), and we have larger muscles in our upper bodies, because we use our backs and arms. Runners have to push off against gravity, so every extra pound slows them down. They want to be as lean as possible, so they pay close attention to their diet and exact weight. They don't want the big upper body muscles, because it adds weight.]

    However, once you get the technique down and get used to pushing yourself mentally (I find that the mental aspect of swimming is actually the hardest - it's easy to get bored, slow down, or think that the pool is longer than it is), swimming can burn more calories that a lot of other exercises, because you use your entire body. This past season, I had 2 hour swim workouts 6-7 days a week. In one workout (between 200 & 240 laps, which I know most people would consider a lot, but once you get your heart up to it, I find it easier than running 3 miles) I would burn from 1,300 to 1,500 calories. Just doing swimming, I lost 12 pounds in less thank 6 weeks. Swimming CAN burn calories if you stay in the pool long enough (at least 1 hour) and push yourself.

    Sorry that was so long.... and best of luck to any swimmers =)
  • magenta4c
    magenta4c Posts: 53 Member
    I have lost many kilos with swimming. It's about the calorie control afterwards and not to be tempted to dig in after a good workout. Swimming makes hungry. Interestingly I read that the hunger is related to water temperature. Even thoug I like colder pools better for workout, I have to say that the warmer water at my current pool seems to make a difference in hunger. Just as I read it.

    I havent been working out for almost 3 years and had horrible back pains for month. I resumed swimming a week ago and my back pain is gone altogether. I am the heaviest I have ever been, but i managed the very first training to finish an hour and now after 4 swim sessions i actually managed to surprise myself with 90 laps. I usually dont count the laps. Want to have my head clear and relax during workout, so i was surprised that I actually managed 2.2km. Thinking of getting one of those finger clickers/lap counters now...

    <3 swimming
    My hubby is having a hard time getting back into his routine. He's tired after 10 laps.
  • synchrohobbit
    synchrohobbit Posts: 58 Member
    ripplesofaqua18 said it all. It is just much easier for people to take up running then take up swimming, so it might be easier to burn more calories since you can go longer and harder on land. For me, since I have never been a runner and always been a swimmer, I can do way more in the pool. As you get to be a better swimmer (i.e. more efficient) you will burn less calories for each length of the pool because you are not using as much effort, but you will also be swimming more in less time. There is definitely a difference in how hungry you feel after swimming vs. doing a land workout, and I just read a journal article about it recently but can't remember exactly what it was. I know there is a difference in serum glucose levels after each, and there will be a difference in how energy is expended because of oxygen consumption. Basically, as long as you are aware of how much you are eating after you swim, it should be a great way to lose weight.
  • I have to agree with the other posters about keeping the calorie control - I lost about 25 pounds a couple of years ago and the only exercise i did was swimming 3 to 4 times a week, each time swimming about a mile (usually took me 30 to 45 mins). However I was also logging all my food intake and keeping my total net calorie intake to the level to allow weight loss at a pound a week. It worked a treat.
    Unfortunately last year I broke my ankle and piled all the weight back on while immobile, so just starting all over again now! But swimming is a great exercise - I would recommend it over running as it doesn't wreck your knees and you get great toned muscles all over. When swimming regularly i always have a lovely flat stomach!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    .No, there isn't. Only a calorie deficit can help with weight loss.

    Why does your workout need to be related to weight loss? Why not work out for the enjoyment of it in of itself.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Complete and total nonsense.. Exercise is exercis.. Whether you do it in the water or out the benefits are present. Swimming may actually provide more benefit because it forces you to engage many more muscle groups that say running or biking. Not to mention it is low impact...
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Not sure about weight loss/calorie burn, but when I'm in a good swimming routine, I tend to like how my body looks. It just seems to use the right muscles to stretch things out to give me a leaner look.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member

    What helps you lose weight is taking in less calories than you expend. See law of thermodynamics.

    The amount of calories that novices or even intermediately fit people can burn in any exercise is limited, including swimming.

    To put it bluntly you are not capable of burning a significant amount through intense exercise of any kind, unless you are consistently, training intensely.

    Exercise is not the significant factor in your ability to lose weight, unless you are a highly trained athlete. Your caloric intake and output is.


    Exercise of all kinds great for building fitness. Run, walk, swim, bike, dance, etc, etc, etc!

    Want to lose weight? Focus on what you eat!

    Do not mus-interpret! Everyone needs some combination of both, proper eating and exercise! But, if you are at the beginning of a weight loss journey? Focus on getting your eating under control. Exercise is a must! But, the first and hardest element is unlearning past bad eating habits and the new process of learning how to fuel your body properly.
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    I have bad knees and used to only do nordic walking for an hour - burned about 275 cal.
    Now I hit the pool and do water jogging, squats, and Chris Powell's HIIT, modified for the pool of course. In 30 min. I burn about 600 cal.

    IMHO the pool is great for burning calories!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I don't know about you but I would count swimming as exercise. When I've swam several laps around the pool or the lake, I'm tired and my muscles have definitely worked. It doesn't have as high a calorie burn, but for overall fitness it is good.
  • Hi Rachel, I think swimming is a great exercise because your using a lot of muscles in your body and getting your heart rate up. I have read and been told that if you are swimming at a moderate rate you can burn anywhere from 400-500 calories per hour (on average everybody's body is different some may burn more calories and some may burn less). I actually have had a pretty good experience with mixing swimming in with cardio, I lost 11 pounds in a couple of weeks and have kept it off. I think any exercise where you get up and move around and get your heart rate up is better then not doing anything at all!
    Best of luck!
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    Best shape I've ever been in was a few years ago when I went swimming for 30 mins, 5 times a week.

    I slimmed down ridiculously quickly and developed a bit of 'muscle tone' after only a few weeks.

    Currently do 30 day shred and the like, they do work, but nowhere near as well for me!

    Swimming is deceptive, you engage a lot more muscles than you realise just to stay afloat, so even if you don't feel out of breath, you're definitely still working hard!
  • Swimming can help you lose weight. But you have to have a plan and study the strokes. Become efficient in the water and you will learn to love swimming. I swim three times a week for 90 minutes. The have three main sets. Warmup, main and cool down. Warmup is almost always 1000m or yds. The main set is almost always anaerobic and lasts 45 to 50 mins. Not everyone swims at our intensity but out of 60 swimmers 3% carry some extra weight because of their eating habits. I could easily eat 3 hamburgers after swimming but I grab a protein shake and eat an egg white sandwich instead. I have to control myself all day. It's discipline for me as well. If you were to look at the bodies of the 50-70yo in our group you would be astonished. There is no exercise like swimming and you will never feel so alive. I've swam at masters meets and watched 100 yard old men and women swim 200m to 1000m against one another. Its beyond motivating. Find a master's group near you, and take part in something truly special. Most programs will show you how to be efficient from day one. Ask the faster swimmers for help. They will be more than eager to help you and you will have a new family to look forward to seeing every week. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    No exercise helps you lose weight. All exercise burns calories. All food contains calories. Whatever combination of intake vs. output gives you a deficit is going to help you lose weight.
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    i have a freind that lost 60 pounds just swimming a hour most days .i would nt put all do donts into this swimming just do what you like and if swimming it then so be it .you like it then do it case closed
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Not true at all. The amount of calories burned are related to your heartrate range. I have been a United States Masters swimmer for 13 years and my daily workouts are US Masters intense workouts. Yet, I am 40lbs overweight. I know this is directly related to the fact that I cannot do any other type of cardio or strength training exercise due to my RA. My cardio/stamina is phenomenal and like another poster said, I can swim for miles and miles without fatigue, yet I am still fat.

    Yes, swimming is a great exercise but in order to lose weight and burn calories, you must mix it up with other cardio activites, weight/strength training and always be mindful of calories in/calories out.

    Where to start.....

    1) there is not a linear relationship between heart rate and caloric expenditure, this is one of the reasons that most heart rate monitors tend to over estimate calories burned.

    2) the fact that you're 40lbs overweight has nothing to do with your choice of exercise and has everything to do with the amount of food you consume in relation to the calories expended. I run half-marathons and am overweight. Why? Because I like to eat.

    3) To lose weight consume fewer calories than you expend. You can lose weight without exercising and you can lose weight swimming or biking, or running or lifting weights or all of the above as long as you expend more calorie than you consume.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Exercise is for fitness and health. Weight loss is dependent on how much you eat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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