Criticism of my healthy lifestyle is getting me down

I have pcos, ibs, had bad skin, developed a sugar addiction/crutch after studying long hours for my a levels, had gained a mysterious half a stone even though doing intense workouts & eating 1500 calories a day. I took antibiotics for the acne which didn't improve it but did damage to my gut. I had flu, a viral infection & a sore throat within weeks of each other along side fatigue and bad ibs. This is not normal for an 18 year old.

I'm a healthy weight, but I couldn't be in pain anymore with ibs or have bad skin. Blood tests revealed my insulin was higher then normal and hormones were unbalanced so I went on the pill & drastically changed my diet.
I tend to eat eggs in coconut oil & coconut milk with veg for breakfast, green smoothie with pea protein spinach & other greens post workout or mid morning, chicken feta quinoa veggie salads at lunch with olive oil & tahini, raw veggies & dip or low sugar fruit in the afternoon, and a balanced evening meal like Turkey mince, brown rice & veg.
My skin has cleared up, I have energy, my nails are strong, no afternoon slumps, ibs only appeas if I eat top much dairy wheat or junk, my bad moods have gone and I've lost half a stone yet I'm not hungry nor dieting.

However my friends do not understand this. They keep saying 'everything in moderation' 'come on don't be boring have some chocolate' 'you're skinny why diet' 'you're making me feel bad' 'don't you get bored' and criticism to eat more carbs.
How do I deal with this? It's not a diet it's living healthy I used to be scared of fat and now I'm eating full fat foods and feeling great. How can I make them understand? I try to explain but they think I'm obsessive but the pain of ibs and how I feel the next day is no longer worth it for me.
Has anyone had any similar experiences?


  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    I deal with people who make comments like that by saying "I don't judge your lifestyle, pay me the same courtesy. Everything I do, I do for a reason." That said, I'm a high school teacher and the kids are often the ones commenting! I also have IBS, so I've cut out a lot of foods from my diet - I often get the "Just one!" comments from colleagues at morning teas etc, so I fall back on: "The choices I make are for a reason. Thanks, but no thanks." It normally shuts people up.
  • mshannond
    mshannond Posts: 60
    Thankyou! I'll say that next time.
    And it's true, just one of something containing wheat gives me terrible stomach cramps.
    Maybe if I explain more to people it will help :)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    After I explained once, I would not explain it again to stupid people. Be brave. Do what is right for you. They can learn to live with your needs. If not, dump them.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I'd probably start with, "I wonder why my healthier choices bother you so much." You don't need to defend your lifestyle. They're the ones with the problem, so I'd want them to explain why before saying anything else.
  • mistyrainngurl
    I ignore people at this point because I've found explaining doesn't help. I just make a joke on a different subject and that distracts them (but I am dealing with college kids so they are easily distracted). If people get really pushy I sometimes get a little snarky and say something along the lines of 'I'm skinny because I eat good' or 'I exercise because I when the zombie apocalypse comes, I'll run away and they'll eat you first'. If these two things don't work, just stare at them and blink until they go away. Literally the best defense ever, esp if you nod and look like you're thinking about it.

    Edit: These work on college kids, so I don't really know if they would work on your friends/coworkers/adult whoevers. Most of my friends leave me alone at this point because they're used to my healthy eating
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Turn it around on them...ask them why they are encouraging you to do something that will leave you in pain?