Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    What? Ordering a salad is not normal? And people think that ordering a salad somehow makes them more healthy than someone ordering a burger?

    Is this a joke?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I am vegan - that alone means I have to hear peoples gross unwanted opinions on it all the time , lots of criticism and whatever

    I do not consider myself a clean eater even though my diet is about 85% fruits & veg mmmmm

    I am about to eat a bunch of chips though so im not clean

    people criticize it because a.they do not like feeling preached at & b.they think you think you are superior to them because of how you eat (maybe you do)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    What? Ordering a salad is not normal? And people think that ordering a salad somehow makes them more healthy than someone ordering a burger?

    Is this a joke?

    I like salad. In a lot of restaurants though salads are more calories than burgers.

    The only comments I've ever gotten about my restaurant habits have been positive: "I wish I had enough self-control to only eat one piece of bread." or "You're so good cutting your entree in half! I can never do that."

    No one has ever given me a hard time over it.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    While the style of eating is often critiqued, and sometimes mocked, it is typically the underlying superiority complex that many have, as evidenced by several posts in this thread, that is castigated.


    I have nothing against clean eaters. I respect everyone's choice of diet. Whether it is healthy, unhealthy, or somewhere in between. Everyone has a right to choose what they put in their body. And as long as they are not developing an eating disorder, I probably will not comment on their choices.

    Many of the posts here have already answered your question, though. Accusing people of being jealous, or 'hating', is not going to make anyone want to praise your lifestyle. It is going to put them on the defensive, which is going to make them criticize your lifestyle.

    My philosophy on life is 'live and let live'. If you eat clean, or go vegan, or practice a paleo lifestyle, or whatever... that's cool. As long as you accept that I don't, I will accept that you do. But once you start talking about how your diet is automatically healthier and accusing me of being uneducated... that respect flies out the window.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    all depends if you are a nazi about how you eat or not.

    I dont have any problem with people adopting any way of eating they want, but when they start to be preachers, that pisses me off
  • Birder155
    Birder155 Posts: 223 Member
    No one in my real life has ever said a peep about my eating habits if I don't mention it first.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    I think it's mainly because of terms like "jealousy and ignorance" and "can't stick with it." It presumes that people who eat one way are somehow better than people who eat a different way. It's asinine and condescending.

    Also it might be because it cannot be clearly and concisely defined. One person's clean eating is another person's reason to look down their noses and say that it isn't clean enough. Says who?

    I don't tell other people what to eat, but I think that my athletic performance and body speak just fine for me. I don't label my foods as clean or dirty. I just eat a diet that contains nutritional foods with a good macro balance and good micronutrient content, and I treat myself whenever I want without worrying whether something is "clean."

    Why is it self-proclaimed clean eaters start threads to accuse people of criticizing them? Do they want to be criticized? I mean, if you don't start a thread seeking it, it is far less likely to happen. In the real world, stop telling other people how you eat and calling their food dirty and I'm pretty sure they will stop rolling their eyes at you and stop saying "oh, great. Another clean eater."


    Spot on!!!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    Maybe it's because I'm not adequately caffeinated yet, but that made absolutely no sense.
    I felt the same about her other posts too...excuse for more coffee?

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've explained to people countless times that I do this for my health.
    Having bloating due to ibs, a string of re occurring illnesses, pcos, constant tiredness at a young age isn't normal.
    I do not care how others eat, I simply get annoyed when I'm criticised for doing something to help myself no longer be sick.

    Issue is, you did not mention this in your OP - and the fact that you have found a way to help your health problems is great....but, see all the condescending (and inaccurate) comments that your post has brought about. All the people throwing the words 'jealous' and 'can't stick with it' and 'educated' and concepts that people who do not 'eat clean' eat junk and garbage.

    You eat like you do as it helps you. Others do not need to do that, yet all of these responses assume that people are 'lacking' somehow...when it may be as simple as the fact that they just do not need to do it to be healthy and feel good.

    I cannot see that people would criticize the way someone eats if it improves their health - it's all about the way that you address the topic.

    Regarding threads here - there are as many threads where people call what I eat 'crap' and 'junk' as there are ones where 'clean eaters' are being ribbed. If people stopped calling other people's food cr@p, their diet unhealthy and that they lack willpower just because they do not 'eat clean' and eat some fast food, then others will be less likely to diss clean eaters.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I eat in a way that gives me clear skin, energy, balanced blood sugar levels, great weight, energy & concentration sustained all day until bed, no more ibs and overall happiness.

    This is all that matters. If someone makes a nasty comment about your food choices, feign deafness. After saying "WHAT??!!!!" a few times at the top of your lungs every time the subject comes up, you'll be left in peace.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    No one in my real life has ever said a peep about my eating habits if I don't mention it first.

    ^^this. I am a vegetarian, and other than having to mention it when it is relevant to the conversation, people would not even know I was - and when I do mention it, there is no further discussion, other than, for example, where we can go to eat to allow for my dietary preference. No-one makes a big deal about it.
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    Sounds exactly like my mom. Every single time I suggest buying some healthier alternative she gets all defensive and always says "You don't need that!". Our latest battle was over ICE CREAM! A friend of mine on here was raving about Halo Top ice cream because it had fewer calories and more protein in it. Unfortunately, it wasn't sold in the store I usually go to. I suggested we go to the other store and when I tell her why she goes all ballistic on me. More like she wanted to hog the freezer space for all her sugary junk. She's a total dessert freak.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    Issue is, you did not mention this in your OP - and the fact that you have found a way to help your health problems is great....but, see all the condescending (and inaccurate) comments that your post has brought about. All the people throwing the words 'jealous' and 'can't stick with it' and 'educated' and concepts that people who do not 'eat clean' eat junk and garbage.

    You eat like you do as it helps you. Others do not need to do that, yet all of these responses assume that people are 'lacking' somehow...when it may be as simple as the fact that they just do not need to do it to be healthy and feel good.

    I cannot see that people would criticize the way someone eats if it improves their health - it's all about the way that you address the topic.

    Regarding threads here - there are as many threads where people call what I eat 'crap' and 'junk' as there are ones where 'clean eaters' are being ribbed. If people stopped calling other people's food cr@p, their diet unhealthy and that they lack willpower just because they do not 'eat clean' and eat some fast food, then others will be less likely to diss clean eaters.

    +1 for this one.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    *slow internet - double post!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You get criticized because that's just the way people are. lol. Ask any vegetarian or vegan if they are criticized and they will tell you yes as well. People will criticize you for being different no matter what. Welcome to earth.

    I am a vegetarian and am never criticized.

    I may have people asking questions like 'how do you get enough protein', or there may be some incorrect blanket assumptions/statements (on here, none that I have encountered IRL) that meat eaters are stronger than vegetarians - but other than that...nothing. Then again, that could be because I do not try to make out that me being a vegetarian makes me better than others who are not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Because they are jealous and wish they had the dectiction to stick with it. And are ignorant! There is a quote "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated!"-anonymous

    That is such a horrible quote.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    Maybe you just need new friends?

    Sometimes I'll order a burger. Sometimes I'll order a salad. I've never gotten a reaction on way or another from anyone.