I blew my whole day.....

wannaloseit Posts: 31
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
I ended up about 2000 calories over today! I can't believe I did that!! I'm most definately a "stress eater" and this week has been the pits. So....I went overboard. Now, I know I need to get back on track so any advice on how to compensate for this horrible day? Extra work outs? Fewer calories this week? Or should I just accept a gain at the scale on Monday?


  • wannaloseit
    wannaloseit Posts: 31
    I ended up about 2000 calories over today! I can't believe I did that!! I'm most definately a "stress eater" and this week has been the pits. So....I went overboard. Now, I know I need to get back on track so any advice on how to compensate for this horrible day? Extra work outs? Fewer calories this week? Or should I just accept a gain at the scale on Monday?
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    don't try to compensate, that will just add more stress. Just stay within your calories tomorrow...a new day :)
    At least that's what I would do! Don't be too hard on yourself.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Just start fresh tomorrow. Sometimes stress and things going on in our lives cause us to eat more. Some of us use food to comfort hat stress. Maybe try to find another way to deal with stress and things in life. Just an idea. I would take today as a day down, and start all over tomorrow. Everyday is a new start.

    I wish you luck! :drinker:
  • wannaloseit
    wannaloseit Posts: 31
    I guess I should start by throwing away the rest of the pizza so I don't screw up tomorrow too!! lol
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    So what!!! It sounds like we all are going to have a tough day. I hope you are there for me on my piggy day.

    So drink tons of water, jog in place in front of the TV tonight and toss out the extra pizza! :wink:

    Tomorrow start fresh with your meal, and then a great run/walk/hop/skip or whatever for workout. You can do it!!!


    So what's your plan for tomorrow? :flowerforyou:
  • beakstar79
    beakstar79 Posts: 23 Member
    I screwed up today too....so I feel ya! and to top it off I was too lazy to go to the gym. It is okay though we can't beat ourselves up...we just start anew tomorrow like everyone else said:flowerforyou: I am gonna try to do a little extra at the gym to make up...
  • wannaloseit
    wannaloseit Posts: 31
    So what!!! It sounds like we all are going to have a tough day. I hope you are there for me on my piggy day.

    So drink tons of water, jog in place in front of the TV tonight and toss out the extra pizza! :wink:

    Tomorrow start fresh with your meal, and then a great run/walk/hop/skip or whatever for workout. You can do it!!!


    So what's your plan for tomorrow? :flowerforyou:

    My plan...an extra 20 mins on the eliptical and the best diet day ever. And as for the stress....I'm hoping the work out helps!

    Oh, and you can count on me to be here when you have your piggy day!!

    Thanks guys! I love the moral support you all give. WAY better than any Weight Watchers meeting!!!!:smile:
  • nikki_b335
    nikki_b335 Posts: 71 Member
    dont worry it happens tomorrow is a new day with new Calories! :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey, I just thought of this...I was telling someone earlier. For my munchie moments I chow down on the Act II 93% fat free popcorn and TONS of water.

    It truly gets that munchie craving tamed, (even if it's chocolate I really want) and fills me up quick! I end up without the guilt, and the next day the worst I have to deal with is the salt swelling my already tubby fingers. :happy:

    I have two big boxes ready to go just in case! YUM!
  • lizthilg
    lizthilg Posts: 1
    Yep- I do 100 calorie packs of popcorn- definitely no guilt! The kettle corn flavor is great for the salty and sweet cravings :)
  • I just finished my food diary and then came to the message board and saw your post title - exactly what I was thinking about after I saw the results of my day.

    It wasn't so much stress as just poor planning. I had to travel out of town, and didn't really pack enough good snacks and a good lunch. So I ended up grazing all day on junk and ate a chopped bbq beef sandwich from the cafeteria! Oh my, what a mess! My teeth hurt just thinking about it!

    How to fix it? I will be sure to stll get my calories and good foods in tomorrow, emphasis on the protein & fiber and then just walk around the block one more time, or two. Maybe try to get to the gym in both the morning and afternoon.

    In other words, I will keep my calories up so my body does not slip into fat storing mode and keep moving to keep my metabolism up. Definitely can't just lay around and dwell on it.

    Thanks for sharing - it was exactly what I needed to hear.

    I was feeling pretty down about it - or maybe it's just the crash from all the sugar!
  • ssheldon318
    ssheldon318 Posts: 25
    I guess I should start by throwing away the rest of the pizza so I don't screw up tomorrow too!! lol

    Yes! THROW IT OUT!!! :happy:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    I went about 1,200 calories over today myself ... but you know what, I enjoyed every minute of it! One of my closest friends and I went out for dinner at this fondue place. We split both cheese fondue and chocolate fondue. And it was delicious. Not something I'd do every day, or even every week, but great as a once every 3 months kind of indulgence!

  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    YIKES.. i did this last week.. I had pizza twice in one week ...4 slices the first time and 3 the second.. i gained a pound.. OUCH.... but i started over on tuesday after my weigh in from monday.. DONT let it get you down.. JUST take it one day at a time.. GOOD LUCK... Don't give up:smile:
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