
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    No movement....I'll count that as a victory!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Lost 2lbs!!!
  • I'm in too! Good luck everyone!
    CW: 281

    Monday morning weigh-in:
    -3 lbs... sweet success! :love:

    Aww great job... so proud of u!
  • Lost 2lbs!!!

    I expected it from you LM... u r committed
  • No movement....I'll count that as a victory!

  • By far I am the biggest loser I weighed in at plus 6 lbs (hope it was water weight, but I had to be truthful...) I really think I was trying to overload myself on cake... Well one extreme leads to an equal and opposite extreme... I think I like the challenge of taking it off more than I like keeping it off... Thats backward I know, but one day I will learn... Still determined to end the holidays with no gain.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    164 pre-turkey
    haven't weighed my self since...

    To me it's all about a sustainable lifestyle. If I'm going to deprive myself of everything, I'll never be able to keep this up.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi everyone, had a good few days and now 121 pounds........ nearly back at goal weight of 119 pounds that I reached in mid August and have been trying to stay at (been finding maintaining very hard lol), would like to be at 119 again before Christmas ....and its December 1st tomorrow :noway: and lots of celebrations coming up including my Birthday :bigsmile:
  • My next official weigh in will be Friday morning, but I weighted this morning too and I am down about a pound. Stay tuned..... :D
  • Wow guys I totally let myself down can't believe I did this but I am up a whopping 5.8lbs so weiight today is 165.6 it has to be some sodium in there also but the fact still remain I ate like a pig very ashame but had to share to be honest and face the fact I still have a long way to go with working on fixing bad habits!!
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 293 Member
    Well it is Wednesday Dec. 1st and I am here to log in :smile:
    Last Wednesday I weighd in at 410
    Today my scales read 408.5 !!
    Next weigh in will be Wednesday Dec. 8th

    ~Strong Heart♥
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Happy December Everyone, Started well and now at 120.5 pounds so nearly back at goal weight, just hope the rest of December follows suit lol :laugh:
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I'm in weighing in at 145 today.
  • joysu
    joysu Posts: 71
    weigh in on Friday.

  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    Checking in -- 270 on 11/23, and now 257.8 on 12/1!
  • Great week so far, bouncing back... Digging out of my Thanksgiving hole... Digging out after digging in. I don't need to lose... I don't need to gain... I need to maintain! Together we can and we will!
  • I am digging myself out of this whole I will be glad when I get to the point where I can maintain but for now I still have weight to lose and I want to show it can be done even through the holidays!!
  • checking in

    11/24/10 - 216.6
    12/03/10 -215.4
  • Woot. First check-in after Thanksgiving! -2.6!!!!! I'm almost half way to goal!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    well this morning i weighted in at 119.5 pounds Yayyy.......but have since been out for lunch and dinner + drinks so may have blown that slightly lol :bigsmile:
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