Mom of three needs encouraging friends!

CDT12000 Posts: 30 Member

I am a mom of three and I am trying to lose the baby weight I put on.:) I have only a few friends on here yet. If you would like to help me and be encouraged yourself, please add me as a friend! Thanks!


  • JubeJewels
    JubeJewels Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I'm a single mom to 5 - just added you :)
  • 1prissysissy
    1prissysissy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm I am in the same situation, only a few friends on here, good luck on your journey!!
  • Kr1sMar1e
    Kr1sMar1e Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there! I'm a single mom of one. Kudos to you for getting on track! Feel free to add me...
  • kcluvsky
    kcluvsky Posts: 3
    Hi, I too am a Mom of 3!! All boys! Of course I'm WAY older than you. It's always been hard for me to lose weight. At only 5' short (saying 5' is tall is like saying jumbo shrimp! :laugh: ) the slightest bit of weight gained is noticeable. Supposedly, I should only weigh 98-115, who the heck came up with that figure? Have they seen the bones and muscles on this chick? Anyway. I do not know how to add friends, so please feel free to add me! And GOOD LUCK! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • I am a newly single mom of 2 and just added you. :)
  • Hi I am a mom to 4 kids and new here. One week in. I also need to lose baby weight ( even though my youngest is 6) :-)
  • ladym8204
    ladym8204 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi there, Mom of 4. Ages 15, 12, 9 and 8. I would love some new "mommy" friends Feel free to add me.
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    I am a mom of three, two boys 9 & 4 and one girl 7. I kept 20+ pounds from each pregnancy and I am working on getting rid of them plus some.
  • kimlet88
    kimlet88 Posts: 4 Member
    I am married with 2 boys and it's taken 12 years and back surgery to finally do something with myself. I started in Nov and have lost 27 pds.
    Just doing this myself is no fun, would love to meet more people too:happy:
  • Monnix39
    Monnix39 Posts: 127
    I just sent out some friend requests! I am also a single mom of two daughters and would also love encouraging/motivating friends.

  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Sending a friend request! I am mom who needs all the encouragement I can get and I will give as well.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I'm a father of 3 boys (see picture) and have a lot to lose. I always can use more active friends. I keep an open diary and log every day. I like to encourage my MFP friends and definitely benefit from their encouragement. Sending you a friend request.