apple cider vinegar



  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Has anyone found out if the grocery store kind is okay??!?!?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    From what I've read, the organic kind is best for you. The whole "mother" thing that floats in it just sounded too much for me though.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I think I am going to just get the pills, I almost threw up the vinigar!!:noway:
  • Starlightdusk
    Starlightdusk Posts: 106 Member
    Has anyone found out if the grocery store kind is okay??!?!?

    A lot of Ladies one another message board I frequent do ACV 'shots' and you def. should not use the grocery store kind, it wont do anything long term to help weight loss. You have to use the unfiltered kind. Also I dunno about you guys but the whole pill thing kinda defeats the purpose for me b/c the taste and the feeling after doing it is what helps you feel more full and eat less.
    More stories of people who have done ACV :

    hope this helps!
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    I talked to the owner of the health co-op here about it and she said that "whole" vinegar (non-pasteurized) is what helps the most ....the other stuff wil to a degree, but of course it will be lacking because most of the nutrients have been heated out of it.

    off topic, but same idea----
    We raise bees for honey ... we don't pasteurize it .... there are a million health benefits to eating raw unpasteurized honey...but the store stuff?? ... well.... not much to it .... we sell it right from the hive, it even has certain anti oxidants not found anywhere else .... I could put up a list of the benefits if anyone is interested....

    but anyway, like the honey, the ACV in its purest form is what will have the best benefits in the long run, and I was told it doesn't burn as much going down. ..but it IS thicker ....of course, it has the good stuff in it.

    oh...and I doubt that pills are as good either, they would still be sifted of certain properties in order to make the pill .... remember that pills are always second to the real thing ie: cranberries

    Hope this helps
  • Thanks so much!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Thanks everyone for the info!!:bigsmile:
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    you're welcome! :smile:
  • ladywalkalot
    ladywalkalot Posts: 230 Member
    :drinker: Fergie (of fergalicious) drinks it every day......and she has a rockin' hot bod......
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I have a fizzy apple cider vinegar drink every day with lunch. I am losing very well. But I really have no idea what the impact of that vinegar drink is. It has psyllium in it too, so I think it helps with cravings and fat absorbtion. So, apple cider??? Hmmmm
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Ok next week on my shopping trip I will get me some... Anybody tried it in other things like salad dressings or wherever you use lemon juice or in cooking?I also heard a long time ago a lady I worked with drank it with raw maple syrup.
  • gummo
    gummo Posts: 20 Member
    I heard about this vinegar thing for the first time today. There is an article about it in the local paper. It sounds gross but I may give it a shot. Here is the link in case anyone is interested.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I took a vitamin supplement that was apple cider vinegar. I didn't see that it aided me whatsoever and it tasted like...VINEGAR... imagine that!!:noway:
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    Maybe a little OT, but I've heard some people add it to their bath water to relax sore muscles and draw toxins out after a hard workout.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    So I started taking the pill form, not everyday but when I'm extra bloated and it definitely helps me! It helps flatten my tummy a little and I always drop a pound when I take it.
  • Mattysmomma
    Mattysmomma Posts: 268
    ok....I tried it, and only did half TBS, in a glass of water....and.....I'm going to look for the pills.
    I did drink it down, but now I feel sick to my stomach....I don't think I can do this everyday. I'll see if I can find them.

    Maybe thats how the weight loss
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I just swallowed a shot of the real stuff (organic, unfiltered, with the mother in it)- it is harsh....think you are right, no way I can eat anything else tonight.
  • I have to bump this thread as I'm having major bloat issues :sad:
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