spin class - advice needed!

I was considering going to my first spin class today, but I'm a little nervous. I'm not in very good shape and only started working out again about 3 weeks ago after not exercising for several months during my pregnancy.

Is a spin cycle class good for all levels of fitness? Any tips? I'm afraid I won't be able to walk a few days after haha


  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Spin classes are intimidating to people who are just starting out, but they shouldn't be. You can vary your intnesity and nobody has to know. You should try it! I love spinning (so much so that I now teach it). Only do what you are comfortable with but also remember to push yourself a little, that is the only way you will build up the endurance to push harder in the next class. Make sure you get help setting up your bike. The instructor should be there early so go in a little before class to make sure you can get help with the bike set up. You might have to tweak the set up a little bit before it is comfortable for you but by getting help you will get a great starting point.

    Also your butt will probably hurt after from sitting on the seat but trust me that goes away after the first couple of classes : ) and you can get shorts that have padding in them specifically for biking.

    The main thing is to find an instructor you like and have fun. Don't worry about not being able to "keep up" adjust your settings and speed to fit YOUR workout. : )
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I love spin classes! I do find that other classes at the gym are harder, ie the one that kicked my butt this morning was more of step at a ridiculous intensity and then weights after, I wished I would have done spin instead. I like the simplicity of the bike, and it is a great calorie burn, just mix it up with other things too, and you'll be good to go!!!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Two bits of advice:

    get there early enough to ask the instructor to help set up your bike. They are much more elaborate than a normal stationary bike.

    the "pros" will be doing lots of fancy moves, don't feel obligated to do them.

    you're in charge of how much resistance is on the bike, so be gentle with yourself the first time.

    Have fun! It's an awesome workout.

    OK, that was four bits.:tongue:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Your entire "undercarriage" will be sore for the first (roughly) 3 classes. I've never ridden a horse but I'd say it's a similar pain to that. You can feel it in your bones.


    I loved spin class. Don't worry about being out of shape. Go in and try your hardest but fall back into a manageable pace. Let the instructor know you are new to it and they will generally be very helpful.

    I often had to reduce my 'workload' in the class in the beginning. The more I did it, the more I was able to keep up with the pros!!

    Go try it out. I loved it!!