TDEE question

I just calculated my TDEE to be 2187. I put lightly active bc I am a teacher so I am walking around and on my feet most of the day but I do not work out regularly. If mfp has be at a daily calorie allowance of 1200 does that mean my daily deficit is 987 and I should loose just under 2lbs per week if I meet my goal everyday?


  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    When I use the calculators online I always put the lowest level of activity and then I add about 200 calories which is what I estimate I burn during workouts. If you do not workout I wouldn't put anything, walking is not vigorous activity. I'm assuming you are not sweating or out of breath when you are working so I would not count.

    Having said that, you should not eat less than the recommended 1200 calories/day even when at a deficit. I think you are confused about what the numbers mean. The 1200 calories you got as a daily allowance is probably the deficit already so that is what you should be consuming.

    I do not know your stats but be aware that is the minimum recommended. So unless you are fairly short I would go up a bit. 1200 is hard and will decrease your energy and get you cranky plus there is no need to go so low, there is a limit of how much you can lose in a week even if you are starving. You are much more likely to stay within your goal if you increase those numbers a bit. To give you an idea:

    I am 5'7" and started at 150 lbs, I ate at about 1350 when in a deficit and lost 30 lbs in less than six months.

    Good luck!
  • ramandagetsfit
    ramandagetsfit Posts: 14 Member
    I just recalculated using the lowest activity level and added 200 as you suggested and it put me at 2108 which is pretty close to what I originally had. I also assume that even though I am not sweating (Unless you count the 20 minutes outside in 95 degree temps for recess everyday) or out of breath that walking/ being on my feet for 8 hours a day 5 days a week burns more calories than if I was sitting at a desk on on a couch for that time. I know 1200 calories is the allotted calories I was really just trying to figure out how much wiggle room I have for days if I go over. I also was not sure the accuracy of the online calculators but I have gotten the same number on pretty much all of them.

    5ft 7in
    24 yrs old
    Activity: I'm a kindergarten teacher so I am on my feet/walking for most of the day. Also have to go up and down stairs quite a bit as my classroom is on the second floor.

    My goal is 130 lbs

    Also if anyone can answer.... How would I raise my daily calories up from 1200 if I wanted/needed it to be a little higher?

    When I use the calculators online I always put the lowest level of activity and then I add about 200 calories which is what I estimate I burn during workouts. If you do not workout I wouldn't put anything, walking is not vigorous activity. I'm assuming you are not sweating or out of breath when you are working so I would not count.

    Having said that, you should not eat less than the recommended 1200 calories/day even when at a deficit. I think you are confused about what the numbers mean. The 1200 calories you got as a daily allowance is probably the deficit already so that is what you should be consuming.

    I do not know your stats but be aware that is the minimum recommended. So unless you are fairly short I would go up a bit. 1200 is hard and will decrease your energy and get you cranky plus there is no need to go so low, there is a limit of how much you can lose in a week even if you are starving. You are much more likely to stay within your goal if you increase those numbers a bit. To give you an idea:

    I am 5'7" and started at 150 lbs, I ate at about 1350 when in a deficit and lost 30 lbs in less than six months.

    Good luck!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I also assume that walking/ being on my feet for 8 hours a day 5 days a week burns more calories than if I was sitting at a desk
    Yep. Not a whole lot more, but some, and it will add up.
    5ft 7in 170lbs
    According to this BMI chart, you should be between 120 - 155 lb, so you don't have much to lose to get into the healthy range.

    To maintain your current weight, you're eating 1700 cal per day.
    Since you don't have much to lose, and you shouldn't go under 1200 cal per day, aim for losing 1 lb (or less) per week.
    That means dropping 500 cal per day... which is 1200 total, which is going to be very hard.
    Try for 1450 cal, which would be 0.5 lb per week.

    My doctor & dietitician say to ignore exercise calories, since most weight loss comes from controlling what you eat.
    Exercise is a bonus to weight loss, but essential to _maintaining_ lower weight.
    How would I raise my daily calories up from 1200 if I wanted/needed it to be a little higher?
    This may sound like a smartass answer, but: eat more.
    Have a cup of cottage cheese, or a piece of bread with peanut butter, or some greek yogurt with fruit, or a few oz of chicken on your salad for lunch.

    If you meant "how can I change it on MFP?", go to your home page,
    under "my home", click on "goals",
    on that page, click the green button that says "change goals",
    click the circle for "custom", then the green "continue" button.
    When you're done adjusting, click the green "change goals" button to save your work.
