TMI TMI TMI!!!! (girls only please)

So I am an A cup, I wear sports bras while working out , I probably wouldnt have to considering I have no bounce issues and sometimes I do skip the bra. Last night I discovered (after being in excruciating pain in the shower) that my one nipple seems to be chaffed. Not a lot, but enough that IT HURTS. OMFG does it hurt. I am so uncomfortable and I dont know what to do about it! For my workout this morning I put a bandaid over it, I feel like a total weirdo putting bandaids over my nipple LOL. It doesnt feel too much better, though I made it through my workout this AM I dont want to wear band aids there, the thought of ripping them off freaks me out a bit. Surely someone has been through this too and has some pointers as to what I can do to relieve some of the discomfort. Help please?


  • lesleybritton
    a little neosporin should help. it will get on your bra, but who cares. it will wash.

    even if you don't bounce, the t-shirt does and DAMN does it hurt. i feel your pain.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    have you been running?

    my brother used to put bandaids on his nipples because of the friction of shirt to nipple action. i wouldn't worry about it, but i would definitely put those big round bandaides on yer girls before you head out for a run or vigorous exercise.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i seem to recall some sort of "nipple glide" product he used, too... he was very open about it and the rest of us made fun of him mercilessly (with his blessing).

    next time i talk with him i'll ask what he used.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    or your could use pasties or wear a tight cami with a shelf's possible that your sports bra is too big so it moves to much- causeing chaffeing
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Also, there are soft fabric nipple pads sold for nursing moms that you could put inside your bra.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Big gals have this problem too. It comes simply from the wear of fabric against your skin, just like you get a blister from an ill fitting shoe. Neosporin will definately help. I'd try that and some gauze overnight and see how it feels in the morning. In the winter I sometimes get peely breasts too. Kinda gross, but I simply need to make the point of moisturizing them.

  • skinnyack
    runners get this all the time. I remember the first time my boss actually ran 13 miles he came into our branch all proud of himself and hadn't noticed his bloody tshirt just at the nipple line- super funny for us- super painful for him. Invest in some type of gel- mine looks like a little deoderant stick- got it at I wear a sports bra so mine is for my HRM chest strap. It's also great if your thighs or shoes rub.
  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    Vaseline will take care of it. They sell quite a few different products for chafing, but vaseline is fine. It gets on the clothes, but its better than bloody nipples.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    There is a product for the lips sold in one of those little tubs... DCT daily conditioning treatment. I had the same problem and I was no where near anywhere that I could get some neosporin. I tried it at night and the next morning it was a heck of a lot better. I used it a couple times a day and by the third day it was gone.