counting calories burned

When you're counting your burned calories for a day, do you count the calories you burn while walking. I hava a app on my phone that count's my steps in a day. And i can walk all from 2000 to 15000 depending on what i'm doing. But i never write that down as an exercise or calories burned that day. The app also says how many calories you have burned from the walking. So the question is: should i write it down as calories burned? Or just expect that i should walk 10000 steps every day and not write it down. Hope you guys understad the question


  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Since your phone has that capability, I assume that if you download the fitbit app it will have the abiliity to use your phone as a pedometer. There are only a few devices that show this capability on their site, and you must have one.

    If that's the case, then get the fitbit app, then link that app to MFP and the system will count your calories burned for you without you writing anything down. My phone doesn't work as a pedometer, but I have a fitbit device that does the same thing for me. counts every step I take and relevant calories are recorded.