When I was younger...



  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    I saw a distinct change at about 25. And my activity level was still pretty consistent through my 20's but It wasn't as easy to keep the weight off anymore. I had such a high metabolism growing up. I shake my head now, but my typical McDonalds run in my teens and early 20's included a big mac, two regular hamburgers, fries and a soda. Lot's of pizza, burgers, fries, etc in those days. And this was on a frame that was 5'9" 155 lbs.
  • keithw1975
    keithw1975 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been trying to eat a lower carb diet, but it is hard, as I absolutely love biscuits, rolls, and breadsticks. If I let myself, I can down 10 breadsticks at Olive Garden. It surprises me how hard it seems to be to eat low carb at fast food places. Simply cutting out french fries has helped me a lot, and I don't really miss them.

    Speaking of fries, why can't these places you beef tallow for their fries? It was sooooo much better than the crap they use now.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have been trying to eat a lower carb diet, but it is hard, as I absolutely love biscuits, rolls, and breadsticks. If I let myself, I can down 10 breadsticks at Olive Garden. It surprises me how hard it seems to be to eat low carb at fast food places. Simply cutting out french fries has helped me a lot, and I don't really miss them.

    Speaking of fries, why can't these places you beef tallow for their fries? It was sooooo much better than the crap they use now.
    Then don't go to fast food places. If you eat out all the time you're going to have a much harder time than if you prepare your food yourself. It's less of a pain in the *kitten* than it sounds and you'll save money.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I will say cutting out fast food was hard for me...I use to go months without having it and then I would get it and feel like I needed everyday for a couple weeks. I just don't go anymore but it can be a hard habit to break.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I've been overweight pretty much my whole life. I had a year or two when I was around 18 where I was actually on the thinner side (5'2", 120 lbs) but once I started drinking alcohol (and eating fast food after that) I gained quickly. And I've never gotten back down :laugh:

    I like to tell myself that it's helping me in the long run, because I've had to focus on healthy habits sooner than a lot of other people. My brother has a fast metabolism, but he eats A LOT of fast food and pop, and never eats fruits or vegetables. It's going to come back to haunt him one day, and he will struggle because he's never bothered to learn to eat well.
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    It happened to me around 40. I weighed 102-105 until my 30's and then settled in at 110-115, still eating anything I wanted in any amount I wanted. I'm 5'2". Around 40 I gained 35 lbs in a month. Fast forward to 58 and I gained 60 lbs in 1 1/2 years! I can tell you it isn't from lack of activity, I live on a horse farm and am busy. Because of insulin resistance I have cut out all simple carbs, which has really improved my health and I am slowly losing weight. I have learned portion control over the past few years, but still didn't lose until I stopped eating the simple carbs.