I'm frustrated

I'm 18 years old, I have to lose 40 kgs/88 lbs, and I'm angry with myself because I lost that weight before, and I'm trying to do that again but... It's difficult to me. I wanna do my best, but I have to improve the way I eat, and well... I need to have a big motivation :)


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Start small; make small adjustments every day.

    You got there once, you can do it again!
  • Aguilera1995
    Thanks :)
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    I'm in my 60s. I was overweight my whole life. I have lost weight many times, and always gained it back. You don't want to be like that -- still fat in your 60s and still trying to lose weight. For me, I want this to be the last time I do this. For you, I hope you kick it much much sooner -- now, in fact. I think the secret is not weight-loss diets, but learning to eat a new way. Never lie to yourself -- that's why keeping a food diary is so important. Log everything you eat and never lie about it to yourself.

    Also, someone as young as you are can do a lot more with exercise than an old lady with arthritis and all kinds of problems. Start running. Start body building. Take up boxing. Anything that gets you moving and working hard.

    Good luck to you!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Think of why you want to lose the weight. What will you feel like when you do? When times get tough, remember these things. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • marticio1
    marticio1 Posts: 8
    It's a whole mind and body motivational movement.
    How did you feel about yourself the last time you were at your goal and maintained it ?
    You need to make lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.
    To do these changes, write down all that you want to achieve.....eat right, exercise, lose weight, be more active in life, etc.
    The 1st thing I have found that helps me is to look at eating right.
    Once you have gotten that in order, then you go to the next biggest thing on your list.

    Start small and work you way up to things......you didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't be able to lose it overnight either.

    Success is measured in inches, not miles. :-)