I got a boo boo

chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
I hurt my knees, shoulder, and lower back all on the same day.

now i have to change my workout schedule and give up my favorite class ever. (actually the only one i like at my gym) so sad. but until my body is able to pull off a decent squat form (basically when i lose more weight) i have to give up either body pump or my knees.

i am still not in good enough shape to do what i want, apparently. my body needs to catch up to my ambition.

any suggestions for things i could do?

i like to work hard and feel burn, im not lazy just injured and overweight.

i do want to keep lifting weights but not in a way that is hard on the knees. i also have lower back problems so i cant lift too heavy. my shoulder will be fine after a couple days off.


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    0_0 how ?
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    doing too much the worng way.

    i thought it was the running because it started hurting on my thursday run but then friday before class i told her my knees hurt and she checked my form and i was all wrong. but when i try to do it right i topple because my weight is so imbalanced.

    i also had shin pain thursday. then i did a jerky thing in the locker room, like grabbing something from my locker or something and boom. shoulder. woke up with back pain today.

    it was like a crap storm.

    i was fine since february, not a single incident outside of doms and then wham. this week everything.