
lukybug Posts: 209
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I workout...daily so I know I burn calories. However, I'm wondering if my body doesn't require 1200 calories. Here's why I'm curious. If I eat 1200 cals on the dot and workout, I don't loose anything and occasionally may gain a little bit. If I eat under 1200 calories and workout, I loose. And to top off the frustration, there can be days when I eat over 1200 and workout and loose. What the heck? I know our weight fluctuates daily based on water retention etc., but it's annoying as heck not knowing how many cals my body really needs. I know the minimum should be 1200 calories, but I can't seem to make myself eat that many because I don't see any improvement in the weight. Grrr! Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Lots of people on here say eat up to your calories since you should also be eating your calories you burn when working out. My doctor also said you should eat no lower then 1200 calories. You don't want to break down your muscle. I continue to go over on my protein which helps restore muscle. Maybe try to drink a protein shake that is low cal but plenty of protein since you work out? The problem is that every person is different.
  • Try eating 1400-1500, seems like I see alot on here that people eating 1200 are frustrated, hungry and still aren't losing. Up your calories for a week or 2 and continue to work out and see if that helps, sometimes you're not eating enough and your body will thank you by dropping some pounds when you feed it more!! :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Judging by the fact that you just joined in Nov and and have that much evidence to support your weight fluctuation, I would say you are weighing yourself too much. (but I could be wrong)

    Body weight is horribly inaccurate you should use a tape measure and just measure the circumference of key areas of your body. This will provide a more accurate representation of your progress. Stick to weighing your self weekly, or if you decide to do it more for the sake of curiosity, just don't take the number to heart.
  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    Limits are so personal. If you've only been dieting for a couple of weeks then maybe your body is still feeling on the verge of starvation and so holding on to the calories. As others have suggested try upping your calories for a fortnight. Once your body realises it's not being starved then it might start burning them.
  • mixedproduct
    mixedproduct Posts: 4 Member
    It may sometimes take a while to see the weightloss because if you're gaining muscle and loosing fat then the scale isn't going to show the fat weightloss right away. Eating too little calories though will put your body into starvation mode and you'll only be losing muscle as opposed to fat which isn't healthy and will slow your weightloss longterm. More muscle=higher metabolism! Just give it some time or eat a little more calories in case 1200 is too little.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Weigh in weekly and not daily. Day to day weight will fluctuate so you get a better idea w hen you only step on that scale once a week. Preferably first thing in the morning.
    I have a very hard time eating my daily allotted calories and I am always under them at the end of the day.
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