Weight loss slowing down??


I was exactly 224lbs/16 stone when starting loosing weight. I was loosing around 2-3lbs per week and some weeks 5 labs due to water retention etc. I have now found though for the last three weeks I have been loosing just 1lb. I'm now 173lbs/12 stone 5lbs and 5"6. My usual diet is some grapes for breakfast, veg soup or crumpets and beans ( or sometimes a wrap/pitta) then a homemade tea which will always be under 600 cals. My hubby is eating the same. He's. 6"4 and was 21 stone 5lbs and it's now 18 stone exactly and he's seeing a 1lb loss some weeks but can also gain too.

Is this now my normal rate of loosing? I know that the lighter you are the less calories you burn whilst exercising etc

Out exercise is 1x Zumba, 1x yoga, 1 x body sculpting yoga and 1 x boxercise. We've also just bought a tandem (whoooo!) 2 weeks ago and riding that whenever we can.

Any advice would be brill :)

Thanks x


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,221 MFP Moderator
    Losing weight at a pound a week is a fantastic rate. :) Losing 3 to 5 lbs a week at first is normal (due to water weight being some of the first weight to drop). A sustained loss of 3 to 5 pounds would be unhealthy. Remember, you didn't put weight on over night or in just a few weeks. It would be unrealistic to think you could get it off over night. (Although, I sure wish it didn't take so long!) :flowerforyou: YOU are doing GREAT!
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    You might be plateauing. This likely means you need to change up your exercise routine. Once your body becomes super used to a certain type of routine, it can begin to lose its effectiveness to a certain degree. Try mixing things up? Although, honestly, losing 1 lb/week isn't bad. The last few pounds of weightloss always go slower than the rest of the process.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thankyou for you replies!!!

    You are so kind Davis and Desi :)

    That was the idea behind the tandem really. We are now riding to do our shopping, we used to drive when it was 4 mins in the car :s, so we are cycling there. Cycling to my mums which is about 6 miles there and back. We've only done that 4 times though so far!! And generally going out on it, we've been a little restricted as we haven't got the locks we ordered yet so waiting for them before we can go further a field as I don't wait to leave it unlocked outside somewhere!! To start something new and the boxercise is relatively new too. Only been doing that around 3 weeks. How long will that take to take 'effect' if you know what I mean??

    We did plan a year to loose the full 6 stone each. So we are kinda on target as we started mid January. We start ivf (hopefully!!) next month and want to prepare my body to be the healthiest it can be. Will I ever see the 2lb+ losses again?

    Thanks again xxx
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Am I reading this correctly that you only eat 600 calories a day?
  • clairetomkinson84
    clairetomkinson84 Posts: 66 Member
    I think her tea is always under 600 calories. She's eating more than that throughout the day.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Yep, Claire is correct. 600 cals is my tea. I've put what my breakfast and lunch is though too. Xx
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    I think a pound a week is great! And it is also my belief that you should accept that, but that is only based on my experience. What I noticed is that when I started losing smaller amounts of weight in a set period of time, it didn't rise again. It just keeps getting lower. For a wide variety of reasons, I'm sure, and I didn't have a whole lot to lose, so.....

    But you are doing brilliantly and yours might rise. But, even if it doesn't and stays at this rate, you're still doing great! I know we all want quick fixes, but sometimes they just don't exist. Or, if they do, they might not be the best fix. Use the extra time to figure out your maintenance calories and plan and you will be ahead of the game.

    Best of luck!
  • nicole00152435
    With this new method, you will lose weight quickly and easily. All you need to do is to not eat these 5 foods...
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Congratulations on losing 50 lbs!

    A pound a week is fine, yes.

    Have you been recalculating your goals with each 10lb drop? If you use MFP' s default or "guided" settings, the program will prompt you to do this, but if you've set up customized goals, it won't. With only about 30-35lbs left to lose, you should also check to see that you're set up to lose 1lb per week.

    Without seeing your diary, it's hard to give you any other advice.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member

    No I haven't re evaluated or set a diary on here? I didn't know I could!!!

    I am coming round to the idea that 1lb is good every week . When /if I get pregnant I still want to continue to loose so 1lb a week would be good. I just want my other 2 stone gone!!!

    Hopefully this week will be much better!! I'm praying I get 2lb lol I don't feel I've lost enough yet though. I'm still classed as overweight on my bmi :(
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Bumps :)
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member

    No I haven't re evaluated or set a diary on here? I didn't know I could!!!

    OK then!

    Go to the top of the page. Click on MY HOME in the upper left-hand corner.

    Then go to "Goals", which will be second from the left on the dark blue bar. From there, you can set your weight loss goals and get your daily calorie recommendation. Then just start logging your food and exercise.

    With 30-35 lbs to go, I'd set it for 1lb per week of weight loss.
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member
    losing 1-2 lbs a week, is weight loss from the books. It is the recommend pace which you should aim for while losing weight. The slower you lose weight the better your skin can ajust and keep your energy levels around the same. i would also recommend when you reach 18% BF to add some carb refeeds every 2 weeks.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone :)

    Siany- I'm going to look into the diary thing!!

    Will I ever loose 2 lbs again though?

    And what does re feed carbs mean? I do eat carbs already though?

    Sorry if I'm being thick!!

    Thanks again :)
  • mikevandewetering
    mikevandewetering Posts: 155 Member

    That's an article on carb refeeds. It is posible to lose 2 lbs again, I am 16weeks in my diet and I lose more weight now then when I started. (I do use carb refeeds since week 12)
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks Mike,

    I'll have a read through that :)

    I've added my food diary and exercise for today - just predicted so I could see what it was like etc can everyone tell me what they think??!
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Bumps for anyone who can help :)
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Thanks Mike,

    I'll have a read through that :)

    I've added my food diary and exercise for today - just predicted so I could see what it was like etc can everyone tell me what they think??!

    Your diary is set to private right now, so we can't see it. You need to go change the settings to public.
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    Okay, I've done it!! I'm going to update what I've eaten today now!...I will get the hang of this!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Your calories are quite low--around 850 on both days. Why are you eating so little?