Fell off the wagon a week ago--Help!

About a week ago I completely stopped exercising and dieting. Today I realized I'm undoing all my hard work that I spent months on...

How do I get back into only eating healthy and exercising daily again? The thought of eating like a rabbit again makes me cringe, but I need to do this for myself. Any suggestions for how to ease back in to my previous healthy lifestyle?


  • clairetomkinson84
    clairetomkinson84 Posts: 66 Member
    You really don't need to eat like a rabbit to lose weight. If you did that would be boring as. Maybe look into recipes of healthy nutritous food that taste good and find and exercise that you love doing. You can do it! Add me if you need someone to support you.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    At your age, screw exercise and starvation. Pick a sport, train hard, eat to train, who knows in 5 years' time you might be representing your country!

    You'll also look amazing, too.
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    Don't eat like a rabbit! Make modifications to your favorite foods to make them more healthy, or eat LESS of them and add some veggies to fill the gaps.

    This is my biggest challenge, though, too. If I have one bad meal/day, it's easy for me to quit. Not this time.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    I've fallen off a couple of times and what helps me most is to recognize it the very next day, don't beat myself up about it and then undo it as soon as I can.
    For example, Friday night I drank too much and went over my maintenance calories. I felt like **** the next day but decided to go to bed early, drink some herbal tea and get a good night's sleep. It was practically a fasting day but I saved some of the calories I went over with the previous night and got back on track.

    The danger is to lose motivation and think "oh well it doesn't matter either way now". One bad day is only a problem if it turns into many. Or your bad week turns into two weeks or a new lifestyle.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    About a week ago I completely stopped exercising and dieting. Today I realized I'm undoing all my hard work that I spent months on...

    How do I get back into only eating healthy and exercising daily again? The thought of eating like a rabbit again makes me cringe, but I need to do this for myself. Any suggestions for how to ease back in to my previous healthy lifestyle?

    Why did you stop? Plus you don't need to 'eat like a rabbit' to have a healthy lifestyle!
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    Remember why you want it again. Start right away don't give yourself more breaks.
  • poetgirl115
    poetgirl115 Posts: 45 Member
    I tried dieting a few years ago, only eating rabbit food. Well, it didn't work! It doesn't work unless you either hate food or are secretly an actual rabbit. My diet is everything in moderation. Eat what you want, just remember to watch your amounts. I'm not a big drinker, so I never really drink, but last night I had McDonalds for dinner! Yesterday was my weigh-in and I'd lost 3.2 pounds since my last checkpoint. Don't deprive yourself, just remember "eat to live, don't live to eat." Exercise or no, you can lose weight while eating WHAT you want, just be careful of HOW MUCH you eat.
  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    Just by switching out the bad ingredients for better ones, you can have an amazing meal that taste great and will be healthier for you. I love to cook and I am a gamer so being lazy is something that comes natural to me. I have just begun to understand that I don't have to sacrifice everything that I love. I simply have to learn how to use better ingredients and learn not to over eat. You have to evaluate yourself and see what you consume more of and see if there are other alternatives. If you like send me a request and I can help you achieve your goals whether it's to motivate, inspire, challenge or simply send you amazing recipes that will blow your mind.