An extreme lack of will power...

I have never been over weight and currently i am 135lbs at 5"7 which is classed as the perfect weight for my age and height. However, i always used to weigh around 126-128lbs up until 6 months ago when i moved departments at work . In this department it is customary to bring in treats on your birthday, if you have been on holiday, if you are leaving or if we have all done well as a team (theres treats there nearly every week!). I try my best to resist but i have a serious lack of will power, even if i am full i want to eat something just for the taste of it, even though i know my stomach will feel really uncomfortable afterwards and i will be beating myself up over it. I workout at least 5 days a week and drink at least 3 litres of water a day but my addiction for food is really letting me down.

I really want to go back down to weighing at least 126lbs again but i really struggle to say no. Is there anyone else who is having the same problem? Has anyone found a way to restrain themselves? I even thought of putting a picture of a model on my desk so that everytime i wanted to go for that chocolate bar i would look at her and think 'dont do it!'

I know that at the end of the day i need to be more strict with myself but a little help and advice would really give me a boost.

Please help me MFP peeps! :cry:

P.S i know 126lbs is low but its what im used to and its what i was comfortable with, please dont hate me wanting this.


  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I have nothing to add for advice.
    I struggle with my willpower as well .. unfortunately.
    Just wanted you to know you aren't the only one out there whose willpower lets you down.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    What has really helped me is knowing just how hard I have to work to burn off those calories. Knowing it takes me 10 minutes on the arc trainer or 15 on the treadmill to burn 100 calories helps me to say no. (Just as knowing how many hours I had to work at a job to pay for something helped me curb my spending habit.) And most recently, learning that insulin release blocks the kidneys and liver from burning fat has helped even more. Knowing that even a small amount of sugar or artificial sweetener (since the brain interprets it as sugar anyway) can prevent my body from burning fat goes a long way toward resisting sweets.