Hello there!

Treecat47 Posts: 14 Member
I've used the app for a while now. Thought I'd start using the forums. I need support. I manage to maintain my weight but losing is hard.

History: I used to be fairly skinny as a kid and from my mid teens to early 20s (126 pounds but looked a bit thinner) . Then it all piled on. I did karate for a few years which kept my weight at 154 pounds.

But then I had surgery from 2009 (one thing I won't name) and some for my back in recent years (3 microdiscectomies and the surgeon even took all the inner material out of an offending disc so what could be causing this I don't know!) - I have premature degenerated discs and as a result sciatica. My weight is now 168 and it drives me crazy. I can drop to a few pounds below but then it comes back on. In between surgeries I went to the gym which I loved. I loved exercising and want to be fully active again with a return to martial arts. I love walking and even before with this sciatica I could walk up to 10 miles easily (even 20 miles before it got really bad). :grumble:

Now I can just about walk 3. This is pathetic for me. I end up in agony. I've had to cancel the gym for now. I can stretch and I'm flexible enough (always have been), I do planks and do my physio. Motivation is hard. No swimming and no exercise bike, sadly, just hurts too much (I want to buy a bike when I'm a bit better). I'm waiting for yet another MRI scan result and I'm hoping I can be helped. I'm very glad I'm somewhat mobile and can stretch still though. My doctor suggested I should lose weight ages ago to take the strain off my spine though I want to get healthier anyway.

If anyone is in a similar situation and successfully lost weight with minimal exercise then I'd love to hear how you did it.

I'm doing my best diet wise and I'm changing it for the better. My aim is 137 pounds for now and see if I can take it from there. I'm not a fan of diets like weight watchers.

Sorry if it's long winded. I'm trying to keep positive.

Also sorry if I sound miserable. I'm honestly not. :tongue: