Binge/fast, food :<

Not sure if this is the right area: I'm on a medication that affects my appetite. Unfortunately, while it makes me not hungry during the day (sometimes to the point of mild nausea if I force myself to eat), once it fades out, I become SUPER HUNGRY!

Because I'm usually way overdue for food, I tend to overeat without realizing it. But then I'm not hungry. Then I "starve", and rinse lather repeat! I've gained a ton of weight (there is a chance some of this is due to medication, but I think a healthier eating pattern would impact this more than me switching meds. That, and I can't afford the alternatives).

What I'm looking for are: foods/vitamins/teas? that naturally regulate metabolism (as in hungry at right times, not avoiding hunger urges), foods that are very basic in flavor but easy to consume (so I can make myself eat when I KNOW I should be eating), and people's personal experiences with medications affecting their appetites (and hopefully subsequent solutions!).

Any suggestions?