Weight loss but new stretch marks?

Hi everyone,
I'm 18 years old, and am 10 or so lbs away from my goal weight. However, I noticed now that I got two pinkish stretchmarks at the top of my breasts. I thought stretchmarks were from the skin STRETCHING, but the scale says I'm losing weight?! Please help, and if you have any ways to reduce the appearance I would appreciate it a lot. :)


  • weesa1983
    weesa1983 Posts: 4 Member
    They can come about from the stretching of the skin when weight increases quickly - you may not have noticed them when you were heavier but now that you have lost weight, they are more noticable. You can buy Bio Oil or even a Cocoa Butter cream and that should help eventually reduce the appearance. Just keep using it and you should see a difference. They will fade eventually - but don't stress about it. I have them from gaining weight rapidly as a teenager and have worried about them all my life (I'm now 30) - I can categorically say that a LOT of women (and men!) have them and we shouldn't be made to feel crap about it! You should be proud of your weight loss - think of it as a badge of honour! ;)
  • blaccoffee
    blaccoffee Posts: 26 Member
    They can come about from the stretching of the skin when weight increases quickly - you may not have noticed them when you were heavier but now that you have lost weight, they are more noticable. You can buy Bio Oil or even a Cocoa Butter cream and that should help eventually reduce the appearance. Just keep using it and you should see a difference. They will fade eventually - but don't stress about it. I have them from gaining weight rapidly as a teenager and have worried about them all my life (I'm now 30) - I can categorically say that a LOT of women (and men!) have them and we shouldn't be made to feel crap about it! You should be proud of your weight loss - think of it as a badge of honour! ;)

    I can proudly say I have too many stretch marks to count!
    Usually I just use a cocoa butter or aloe body wash to help with the fading of stretch marks. If you keep your skin moisturized it usually helps prevent the forming of the stretch marks in the first place.