Spartan Workout of the Day

So I've been doing a lot of running to keep building my endurance (right now 5 miles a day 3x a week) and am thoroughly enjoying it. The last couple of months I've been doing Neila Rey workouts for strength building the other 3 days in the week. I've been getting positive results and really like how the bodyweight resistance is working for me. Now, I'd like to boost up my training to prep for future Spartan races. I've seen the Spartan work out of the day and they look pretty great for how my workouts are already setup. My questions is in two parts:

1.) Is it set up to add the Spartan WOD to the other workouts I already have going? Or is it intense enough that I would need to modify my home workout so that I'm not overworking?

2.) Any other advice or personal experience with Spartan training to help in my approach?


  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    1) It depends on the WOD. Some are really tough and thats all you might need for the day. Some would be a supplemental workout to what you are already doing. But that all depends on a couple of factors:

    ♦ What the workout of the day is (which seem to be pretty random)
    ♦ What your personal strengths and weaknesses are (one WOD might leave you feeling like you had a good workout, another might completely wipe you out)

    You might get by just fine adding a WOD into your current routine sometimes, but other times it may be a bit too much.

    2) From personal experience the best way to train for one is to find a place in the woods that has hills, lots of mud and obstacles and then run around there like its a playground for about 3 hours. Since thats probably not an option for 99.9% of us, its really up to you (who knows your strengths and weaknesses better than anyone) to figure out what you need to improve.

    Some physical attributes one will need to complete such an endeavor are agility, strength, stamina, speed, endurance (am I missing some?). Youll also need a positive outlook and some mental toughness as there will be at least one time on the course where you say to yourself "Why the hell did I sign up for this again?"
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    That all makes perfect sense actually! Thank you very much for the feedback. I could always determine if the WOD fits into my goals and then go for it, see how I feel after it. I just know my past mistakes with exercise and didn't wanna set myself up for thinking "Yeah this is totally intense!" and not actually get results. I'm finally pushing myself and don't wanna slack off, yet don't wanna injure myself obviously haha. I also like the idea of finding wooded/hill areas nearby. I'll see about scheduling with my workout friend to meet once a week or so at a place and run around.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    That all makes perfect sense actually! Thank you very much for the feedback. I could always determine if the WOD fits into my goals and then go for it, see how I feel after it. I just know my past mistakes with exercise and didn't wanna set myself up for thinking "Yeah this is totally intense!" and not actually get results. I'm finally pushing myself and don't wanna slack off, yet don't wanna injure myself obviously haha. I also like the idea of finding wooded/hill areas nearby. I'll see about scheduling with my workout friend to meet once a week or so at a place and run around.

    If you have the opportunity to do that, That is a great idea!! Be careful & good luck!!
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    Many thanks! Now I just need to get a decent pair of trail running shoes and someplace TO run around near my house XD