Rollerbladers/ Inline Skaters did it help you get fit?

So I've checked previous posts and didn't really see a thread talking about whether or not inline skating helped you lose weight or get into better shape. I used to rollerblade alot ( although not very well) as a young kid and then quit. After a bad knee injury in April, I needed something to rebuild and move on, plus allow me to lose weight. So in June I bought a pair and have been trying to get back into it. I've been doing about 20 minutes 3 or 4 times a week when I can. Most recently I was able to go for an hour, with small un-timed breaks on and off to drink some water. I've been using an app to time my speed and length of exercise.

Has anyone noticed a difference or used rollerblading as a main exercise before? I'll be doing this and long distance walking along with my diet, not interested in strength training yet.
