Super slow weightloss! Help!

I was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice. For the past 8 weeks now I guess I've tried losing weight, I don't want it to happen fast but I seem to have lost 7lbs and I'm now completely stuck. I suffer with PCOS and obviously since I've gained a lot of weight in the past few years, my symptoms have become much worse. I've also been battling with depression and It's only in the past 6 months I've found my motivation to get myself out of the house and back to the gym. Generally speaking, I aim to go at least three times a week, and have recently added on at least one metafit class a week onto it. I probably do around an hour of cardio and half an hour weights (one day I'll focus on my upper body, the next day I'll do my lower body and so on).

I'm trying to stick to a low sugar, low carb, high protein diet. I haven't been recording my eating much recently (so lazy of me) but I usually have the same meals every day - 2-3 eggs in the morning, chicken or beef with salad for lunch with a packet of crisp (low cal just to keep me sane) and then I usually have peanut butter on toast in the evening. I usually eat dinner after I've come back from the gym so I usually don't have a meal from between around 1pm lunchtime. I don't usually snack inbetween meals either. If I do it's usually pistachio nuts.

That being said working out I've not seen much difference in my weight or inches so I'm obviously going wrong somewhere. I'm not sure if I'm eating too much or too little (when I do add my food in it's usually below 1300 cals) I'm not eating enough times during the day or if I'm not exercising enough?

Any words of wisdom and advice would be appreciated!

P.S sorry about the essay!


  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    Your first step needs to be to start logging daily. Either as soon as your done eating or better yet pre-log it so that you know your staying in your goals. Measure and weigh EVERYTHING. If it has calories or carbs it goes into your diary. That way you can get an honest look at your eating habits.Looking at what you did have in your diary, I'd lower your carbs to around 100 and raise your fat just a bit. Most people would tell you to raise your calories. I tried that but just stalled. I've found that because of my PCOS, I have to eat 1300 or less with my carbs around 100. My protein level ALWAY has to be higher than my carb level or I'm a mess. Despite what some people will argue, having PCOS does affect how we diet. Things that work for others don't work as well for us.

    I know that there are some PCOS groups on here and there is You can probably get more help from there.
  • FisherGT
    FisherGT Posts: 55 Member
    you need to start logging your calories and lifting weights. Building muscle is the first step to successful weight control.
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    In my opinion you have to hire one gym trainer for the best guidance, who will plan your daily diet. But before taking that diet plan tell everything related to your body issue (if any) then only start to take your diet plan else the result might be reversed.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    In my opinion you have to hire one gym trainer for the best guidance, who will plan your daily diet. But before taking that diet plan tell everything related to your body issue (if any) then only start to take your diet plan else the result might be reversed.
    trainers know little about nutrition. actually quite a few know little about health and fitness as a whole, best to ignore their diet advice and just go to them with help for your workouts
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    I was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice. For the past 8 weeks now I guess I've tried losing weight, I don't want it to happen fast but I seem to have lost 7lbs and I'm now completely stuck. I suffer with PCOS and obviously since I've gained a lot of weight in the past few years, my symptoms have become much worse. I've also been battling with depression and It's only in the past 6 months I've found my motivation to get myself out of the house and back to the gym. Generally speaking, I aim to go at least three times a week, and have recently added on at least one metafit class a week onto it. I probably do around an hour of cardio and half an hour weights (one day I'll focus on my upper body, the next day I'll do my lower body and so on).

    I'm trying to stick to a low sugar, low carb, high protein diet. I haven't been recording my eating much recently (so lazy of me) but I usually have the same meals every day - 2-3 eggs in the morning, chicken or beef with salad for lunch with a packet of crisp (low cal just to keep me sane) and then I usually have peanut butter on toast in the evening. I usually eat dinner after I've come back from the gym so I usually don't have a meal from between around 1pm lunchtime. I don't usually snack inbetween meals either. If I do it's usually pistachio nuts.

    That being said working out I've not seen much difference in my weight or inches so I'm obviously going wrong somewhere. I'm not sure if I'm eating too much or too little (when I do add my food in it's usually below 1300 cals) I'm not eating enough times during the day or if I'm not exercising enough?

    Any words of wisdom and advice would be appreciated!

    P.S sorry about the essay!

    Meal timing is irrelevant. The number of meals you eat a day is irrelevant. Only things that matter calories in < calories out. So you need to not only log your food but you need to weigh solids and measure liquids. It may seem like a pain but the only way you will truly know where you are going wrong is with this information. If you don't know exactly how many calories you are eating you can't say for sure you are in a deficit.

    It's not just about logging what you think you are eating. It is about the weighing and measuring for accuracy. Do that for a few weeks and if you are still 'stuck' then you can re-evaluate. oh and 7 pounds in 8 weeks is not bad IMO.

    Good Luck.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Have you tried weighing and logging all of your food? Your peanut butter alone could be 200+ calories more than you realize. It's a very calorie dense food and very hard to eyeball.
  • gennieeexo
    gennieeexo Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply back to this.
    Appreciate all the advice everyone :)

    I've started trying to log every single thing that enters my body!

    I've also joined a boot camp class and metafit class as well as going the gym now.

    I'll just keep on trucking I'm sure I'll see a difference eventually